21 July 2013

Jae Lynne Davies Spotlight!


 Thank you Jae Lynne for stopping by the blog!!

The Serious

What made you want to become a writer?
I’ve always had a love of writing. From all forms of poetry, to screenplays, and finally romantic fiction, I can’t remember I time when I wasn’t writing. But I guess you could say that I jumped feet first into writing for publication shortly after composing a heartfelt eulogy for my grandfather.   

Initially, I hesitated when I my mother charged me with the task. I mean, no one enjoys standing before a crowd of people gathered for such a sorrowful event in the first place. Add the idea of pouring my heart out to everyone, sharing personal memories with the hope that I’ve done the man justice, and I was suggesting alternate candidates for the speech. 

My mother was quick to remind me about how I’d been writing since she could remember, that there was no other person capable of capturing our treasured family member, because of my unique “way with words”, as she gently described.

During the drive home the same day, I turned to my husband and said, “I want to be a writer.”

What was your first book?
Mythic (Book 1 in the Mythic series)

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I’ve always had a very active imagination and I’m sure I was inspired by other books I’ve read or movies that I’d seen as a child and craved for more—a world where the story didn’t have to end in a particular time frame and the only rules were my own.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Each story offers a new set of challenges. Whether the particular subject matter requires a substantial amount of research, the transitioning between scenes just seems awkward, or the characters are just being plain stubborn, every book is a new experience. 

In my newest release, Desires of a Dark Lord, I had a difficult time transitioning the various character emotions. Granted, I felt everything all at once for this characters, but for it to convey properly on paper, I needed to back away for a moment and smooth things out so that the reader wasn’t hit with an entire range of emotions all at once.

While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters?
All the time. While I love every character I write, even those that were difficult to write, I enjoy every second I spend in my vampire hybrid, Gianna Marino’s shoes. Her life has certainly been interesting. And it doesn’t hurt to deal with the men who fight for her affections, either.

What inspired you to write your first book?
I don’t know that I’d call it inspiration, but more along the lines of fascination. I’ve had a fascination with vampire lore since childhood, so when I decided to write romantic fiction, I knew I was going to dive directly into the vampire world. But the story had to be different, from the characters to the plot twists, I knew exactly how I wanted the story to be told. 
Do you ever experience writer's block?
Don’t we all? Yes. It’s a terrible thing when you stare at a screen and begin typing away when, suddenly, everything goes blank. Even with an outline, I occasionally go blank. That’s where my playlist comes in. Whenever I’m plagued by writer’s block, music seems to pull me out of the funk.
Do you write an outline before every book you write? 
Absolutely. I need a strategy, to touch on certain elements at key points within the story. I rely heavily on the outline method and will recommend it to any seasoned or aspiring author.

Which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?
In my experience, this has been different for each story. For my first novel, the idea came first. The canvas was blank and I was building a world from scratch, so as the idea unfolded, so did the characters and their backstories. However, as subsequent novels were considered, I knew the characters that would be at the forefront of the stories and some of the character development came first. 

 Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?
Writing my hybrid, Gianna Marino is like stepping into a pair of comfortable jeans. I’ll always love to step in her shoes, telling another tale through her eyes. However, the time is just about right for me to revisit the Roman Pantheon for another visit with Diana, Goddess of the Hunt. I never like to stay away too long.
What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
All criticism is tough. As authors, we know that what we write isn’t going to please everyone. We pour our hearts and souls into a story and someone will come along and just not enjoy what we’ve done for whatever reason.
That said, I respect all feedback—the good and the not so good. All feedback helps me to improve as an author and we can’t ask for more than honesty. Brutal or no.

 What has been the best compliment?
The best compliment to date is that I’d made someone cry. I know it sounds strange, but to evoke such powerful emotion in a reader is why I love doing what I do. 
Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Write, write, and write some more. Strive to constantly improve your craft. Never stop learning.

The Fun

Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?
It all depends on how much time I have to devote to making the bed. How many times did I hit the “snooze” button on the alarm this morning?

Be honest, how often do you wash your hair?
Every single day. Sometimes twice. My hairstylist hates that I wash my hair so often because my color doesn’t last as long as long as it should. Now she recommends that I wash my hair with cold water to keep the color longer. Terrible, I know, but I can’t help it. I need clean hair.

Do you get road rage? What pisses you off the most about other drivers?
I’m embarrassed to admit, but yes. I’m not a fan of how people drive in inclement weather. Believe me, I’m all for safety, but bumper-to-bumper traffic every time it drizzles is a bit annoying.

Do you go out of your way to kill bugs? Are there any that make you screech and hide?
I only go out of my way to kill spiders. Actually, I have my husband kill them. I had a bad experience once and I feel they must be destroyed. 

What is one question that you are never asked in interviews?
This one. LOL

What is one question that you are always asked in interviews?
“What made you want to become a writer?” It’s a common question and one most people want to know, so I enjoy answering. 

What are your favorite hobbies?
I love to cook, going to concerts, crafts, movies, and just hanging out with friends and family. If there’s wine involved in any of that, even better! 

Would you rather have a cat or dog? Why? 
If you asked me this question last year, I would’ve said dog. Definitely dog. But I caved when my then five-year-old daughter begged for a cat for Christmas. She actually sat on Santa’s lap and asked for Christmas. The poor guy looked at me with a stunned expression. I never liked cats. Not one bit.
Needless to say, my husband and I adopted a 6 month old kitty from the shelter and my daughter “opened” her cat on Christmas Day. This little ball of fur is the sweetest thing in the world. Pretty sure I got lucky in this situation. Now we’re a one dog and one cat family. So, I think my choice would be…BOTH! 

What's your pet peeve?
Dirty dishes. Please don’t leave dirty dishes. LOL

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why?
There are so many on this list, but my ultimate dream destination is the Seychelles Islands. It’s the closest thing to the Garden of Eden we might ever know. It looks to be the definition of paradise and I’ve heard wonderful things about the islands.

Is there anything you’d like to tell your fans/followers?
Thank you all so much for your ongoing support, encouraging words and passion for the written word. You all give me the best reason to do what I do.

Crystal, thanks so much for hosting me today.

Book Spotlight
Just for you!!

Release Date:

Paranormal Romance/Erotic Romance
51,000 words
Ordered to claim the soul of a particular human woman, rare incubus demon, Ronan accepts the challenge with the promise of power and freedom.

He meets his target—curvaceous attorney, Ginevra Gimes and vows to deliver her every desire so long as she promises her soul in return. But when the two connect on a level neither one expects, Ginevra and Ronan succumb to mutual passion.

While an undeniable bond exists between them, can he surrender her to another or will he risk eternal slavery to claim her for himself?

Teaser Time!
The elusive depths of Ronan's eyes glistened with concealed intent. “My species thrives on sex and seduction, Ginevra. We crave it, thrive on it for nourishment, strength, satisfaction. Humans tend to cooperate with any desire when my kind is involved. Even now, as much as you resist, you want to give in. With my assistance, my den master is guaranteed success. I’m insurance. The ultimate weapon.”

He said it directly, but there was an unmistakable swell of pride to it as well, power. Ronan stood a force to be reckoned with, and he chafed at the chains holding him. It didn’t matter what other feelings he had about the matter. She was a means to an end.

She pushed the thought away. “You still haven’t narrowed down the specifics. How do you acquire my soul?”

He laughed wickedly. “Simple. I bed you three times. After our third time together, your soul is transported to hell and will be at Braddock’s command. Then he’ll grant my freedom.”

“I’m going to give away my soul to sleep with you?” Ginevra stared at him, then burst out in a fit of harsh laughter. “Seriously? I mean, I know you’re an incubus, but you must have one hell of an ego if you believe something like that.”

Ronan went still. In the space of an indrawn breath, she was enveloped by his heat, that intense spice scent. Though most of the kitchen separated them, it felt as though his body was pressed against hers, his mouth covering every inch of her skin, her body writhing, begging for his touch and her soul screaming for him.

His powerful display was a ruthless takeover of her senses, and when he pulled it back, she was gripping the counter to remain upright. Her gaze snapped to his face, and she saw she’d insulted him in a way he’d never known.

“You doubt my ability, Ginevra? I’d bet my freedom that in another moment, I’d find the skin of your nipples puckered so tight, the mere touch of your clothing would be blissfully painful. Just like my mouth against that same hardened flesh, the heat of my breath, my tongue covering that very place, would make you scream in ecstasy. Care to test my theory?” he said with a flick of his tongue across his lower lip.

Ronan Brimstone was devastatingly handsome and he made her ache with a need so profound, some might kill for the release he could bring. But she wasn’t ready to pay the price for a fleeting moment of pleasure. But those lips…full lips she’d never grow tired of nibbling on. She shook her head free of fantasy. “You need to go, Ronan,” she said, catching her breath.

His expression softened. “I’m sorry, love. But I can’t leave until my task is complete.” Angered by her body’s betrayal, a fuse snapped deep inside, in a place where she didn’t know fear and gave the term toe-to-toe a literal meaning when she kicked the tip of his designer shoe with her flip flop.

“You should leave of your own accord before you grow tired of rejection, Ronan. Go back to your master and tell him to find another human. This one will fight you to the last breath. You. Will. Fail.”

She said it with an upward tilt of her chin and a determined gaze. In answer, his amused gaze swept her sparkling flip-flop and then he dipped his head, lips hovering dangerously close to hers.

“As I stated previously, I can’t leave. You spoke the words of your own free will and invited me in, which means I’m bonded to you until my task is complete. I will tempt you night, day and in your dreams, to a point that you’ll want me with such a maddening need, you’ll beg for my touch before the end.” He caressed her lower lip with his thumb. “I do enjoy a challenge almost as much as I enjoy sex. That said, consider yours…accepted.” 

Click HERE to read my review of Desires of a Dark Lord!!
To learn more about Jae Lynne's works check the links below!


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