18 July 2013

Trust, By L. Chapman

Lovely Megan Madden has lost her faith in men. But this has not kept her from the joy of her best friend's upcoming wedding. While in London shopping for the big event, Megan's life takes a surprising turn when a quick drink brings changes to her life she never saw coming. Join in the roller coaster of emotions Megan must endure as she attempts to regain her TRUST.
Who knew a quiet drink could change your life?

Review Time:
***Spoiler Alert***

Crystal's Review:

                With a name like Trust, you have high hopes for a book.  But unfortunately for this book, I was let down on a few levels.  While the book had its good points, it’s not about some little blonde headed girl who is trying to find herself in the world of BDSM, this book has a more “real” feel to it.

                You have Megan, who when we first meet her, she is getting ready for a date with her longtime boyfriend (Boyfriend of 5 years) and she points out she doesn’t even go to his house!  I’m sorry after 5 years, that’s a RED FLAG if I have ever seen one before.  And then the story jumps to a few months in the future.  We don’t have any indication that the story has moved along until we find out that she is pregnant with John’s baby, oh and guess what?? He’s married and has kids with his wife!  (I’m surprised are you??)

                Enter Mark, a man who she meets at a bar while on vacation with her friend.  (Ok who goes to a bar, while on vacation, while pregnant?)  Mark ends up getting her number and starts texting her all night.  After spending only a short time with her, he’s texting her that he can’t sleep because all he can do is think about her?  I’m sorry but I agree with Sara here, that’s a bit stalkerish to me. 

                There were other things that I didn’t enjoy about this book, and the one thing that I was really hoping for, didn’t happen.  She talks about how she lost all trust in men (get it? The title of the book?)  But she doesn’t really seem to have any trust in Mark either.  He just kinda pushed his way into her life and wouldn’t leave her alone. 

                I think that this book could have been amazing, I really do.  I enjoyed the fact that this is a book that is about the romance; at least I think it was, it didn’t have the crazy side stories like most books these days do.  But I just had such hopes that the story would have been better than it was.  There were parts of the story that just seemed to be thrown in there and they didn’t make any sense.  Characters that did things, but they were just so out of character that it drove you crazy.  All in all, I will give this book a 3 paw rating, just because it is different than what is out there now.

Sara's Review:

Oh…Trust.  You really had a promising start.  Rare are stories about women who are pregnant and dating, and that is refreshing.  Apparently, it’s more common in this day and age than I thought.  So, kudos for presenting a character that is rare and needed in women’s fiction and romance in general.

However, the pace of the story threw me for a loop.

In the beginning, we meet Megan.  She is pregnant and single and is in London helping her friend shop for her wedding.  They go into a bar one evening, and she meets Mark.  He’s a nice guy.  They exchange numbers and then that evening he starts texting her…all night long.  I don’t know about you, but this would make (and kind of did reading it) me uncomfortable.  Hello stalker!   And for someone with trust issues, I’m not sure why Megan is so receptive to it.  So receptive, in fact, that she goes to Mark’s house after only knowing him for a few days.  At this point, I wanted to text Megan myself and say “Yo,  u r preggo and don’t know this guy!  YOLO is not an appropriate emotion at this point in your life”. 

Mark is sweet.  And he seems to have his stuff together and not care that Megan is pregnant with another man’s baby.   But he seems a bit intense for my taste.  I just didn’t understand why he was so drawn to Megan from the start.  This book has a sweet ending, but I think I would have been better served as a reader if there was a bit more character and plot development.  Maybe then, I wouldn’t have felt a bit lost in the story. 

This story really has potential.  The characters aren’t characters you encounter every day in romance fiction, and as I said, that’s refreshing.  I give this book 3 stars!

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