Secrets and lies. They are everywhere: haunting her, tormenting
her. In the midst of it all, he’d been her escape, her passion. The only person
she’d trusted in six years. And then he’d made her doubt that trust, cutting
her deeply. But as she’d once told him, she was damaged, not broken. She is
ready to fight and not just for survival. She is fighting for the truth and she
won’t stop until she has it, not even for…him
His reflection appears in the mirror with me and I can see
what I would not otherwise. Him. His chest bare, his clothes gone but I am the
one who is naked, stripped of my many emotional walls by this man who moves me
so deeply. The same man who tells me to
invite fear and so I do. I invite
whatever it is he is to me and I am to him.

Since beginning her publishing career in 2007, Lisa has
published more than 30 books with publishers such as Simon and Schuster, Avon,
Kensington, Harlequin, NAL, Berkley and Elloras Cave, as well as crafting a
successful indie career. Booklist says that Jones suspense truly sizzles with
an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or
Suzanne Brockmann.
Prior to publishing, Lisa owned multi-state staffing
agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also
praised by Dallas Women Magazine. In 1998 LRJ was listed as the #7 growing
women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.
loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her through her website and she
is active on twitter and facebook daily.
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