A pulse of light
preceded the gift of life breathed into the coldest and darkest of
souls. Bathed in the glow of celestial love and swathed in a blanket of
black satin wings nestled a king among kings, a vampire born to destroy
the decay threatening to eradicate the race he was destined to save.
An angelic heart torn by yearning, suffering and pain throbbed to the rhythm of the life he created; a life prophesied in the scriptures by the Creator’s own hand. A vow of servitude given in blood sealed the fate of a Seraphim's heart and tied it eternally to the creation he craves, protects…loves.
Ancient treaties are lost and reborn, rising from the ashes as the Nephilim ravage the vampire race. The deviant desire that soared in Malachi Denali's blood threatens to bring Rome to its knees when Malachi's world, his soul and his heart are brutally shattered and torn apart.
Will purity born of an angel's love be enough to calm the savage mind of Malachi Denali? Or will Laziel be doomed to a life of purgatory for loving the life he was gifted to create…
This is not a HEA, or even a HFN....Who knows what will happen to seal their fate...only time will tell. Vampires, angels, demons and wolves together with love, betrayal, sadness and yearning make up the ongoing story that is...
The Crimson Nights Saga.
An angelic heart torn by yearning, suffering and pain throbbed to the rhythm of the life he created; a life prophesied in the scriptures by the Creator’s own hand. A vow of servitude given in blood sealed the fate of a Seraphim's heart and tied it eternally to the creation he craves, protects…loves.
Ancient treaties are lost and reborn, rising from the ashes as the Nephilim ravage the vampire race. The deviant desire that soared in Malachi Denali's blood threatens to bring Rome to its knees when Malachi's world, his soul and his heart are brutally shattered and torn apart.
Will purity born of an angel's love be enough to calm the savage mind of Malachi Denali? Or will Laziel be doomed to a life of purgatory for loving the life he was gifted to create…
This is not a HEA, or even a HFN....Who knows what will happen to seal their fate...only time will tell. Vampires, angels, demons and wolves together with love, betrayal, sadness and yearning make up the ongoing story that is...
The Crimson Nights Saga.
I loved how DEEP this book goes and
not just your regular simple read! You might find it’s a little complicated but
as long as you follow closely you will have no problems and love it like I did.
Melachi Denali aka Lachi is the King
of the Vampires and was created to save his race. He is a very dominating and
extremely difficult king in many ways but at the same time you want to just
love him. He is feared by most, respected by all loved by only his angel
Laziel! The only thing Laziel wants is to love and protect his king; he is
sarcastic, highly sexual and his one track mind is only for Lachi! I love how
beautifully written these main characters came to life for me and I couldn't
get enough of them, I wanted more of their love! The only thing in life that
these guys need to survive is each other and with the twists and turns, not as
easily done. There are such complicated layers and developments that make
reading this book so wildly interesting! The twists and turns will send the
reader into fits of adrenaline.
Lachi is being pressured to take a female mate and produce children but he has zero interest in females just his Angel! Lachi secretly loves Laziel but he is afraid he has too much darkness inside of him. Laziel just wants to love Lachi freely but doesn't think he will accept his love or return it. To make matters worse there are sections of the vampire world that are trying to destroy Lachi but he will need the help of others to survive!
The other characters are also greatly written as Lachi and Laziel, such as Vischeral and Copi. They are such sexy and wild characters and look so forward to reading their story! Roman, the son, and Tobias as the sultry Alpha Wolf in a world of vampires. The authors took me a ride of sexual awakening, love, betrayal and a fantastic erotic paranormal read. I really liked the cliff hangers as I know more is to come and nothing more exciting than waiting for Book 2 in this hot series! I highly recommend this brilliant Paranormal Book!
Lachi is being pressured to take a female mate and produce children but he has zero interest in females just his Angel! Lachi secretly loves Laziel but he is afraid he has too much darkness inside of him. Laziel just wants to love Lachi freely but doesn't think he will accept his love or return it. To make matters worse there are sections of the vampire world that are trying to destroy Lachi but he will need the help of others to survive!
The other characters are also greatly written as Lachi and Laziel, such as Vischeral and Copi. They are such sexy and wild characters and look so forward to reading their story! Roman, the son, and Tobias as the sultry Alpha Wolf in a world of vampires. The authors took me a ride of sexual awakening, love, betrayal and a fantastic erotic paranormal read. I really liked the cliff hangers as I know more is to come and nothing more exciting than waiting for Book 2 in this hot series! I highly recommend this brilliant Paranormal Book!
Excellency, Malachi Azarian Denali, King of the Vampire race.” The deep
intonations of the man at the Pope’s side subsided into nothing at the casual
wave of the papal hand.
“We’ve been introduced, Gabriel. Numerous times.” Before the affronted man could object, Pope Gregori XVII stepped forward and clasped Lachi’s hand warmly. “Sorry, for such short notice, Malachi. Can we walk just a moment?”
Malachi nodded once, and met the angel’s piercing gaze. He swept a pointed glance at Gabriel. Laziel smirked and stepped between the hovering secretary and the Pope.
“What the…,” Gabriel sputtered. “I have to go with him.”
“We’ve been introduced, Gabriel. Numerous times.” Before the affronted man could object, Pope Gregori XVII stepped forward and clasped Lachi’s hand warmly. “Sorry, for such short notice, Malachi. Can we walk just a moment?”
Malachi nodded once, and met the angel’s piercing gaze. He swept a pointed glance at Gabriel. Laziel smirked and stepped between the hovering secretary and the Pope.
“What the…,” Gabriel sputtered. “I have to go with him.”
“What you have to do is stay where you are, unless you want to try a little one on one time with this celestial.” The quiet menace in Laziel’s voice and the mental image of his own personal time with the angel sent a tingle of awareness down Malachi’s spine. He tamped down his body’s eager response when Gregori's low whisper caught his ear.
“I’m not sure it is safe to talk here. The very walls have ears, as the saying goes.”
“Not anymore, they don’t.”
The Pope chuckled. “Wish I could do that.”
“We’ve had this discussion before Gregori.”
Another quick laugh spilled forth. “I thank you for the offer yet again, my friend, but the answer is still no.” Out of earshot of the human, but still within Laziel’s range, his face grew serious and he sighed. “The Vatican and the church are rife with venality. I’m not sure who around me I can trust with the exception of my God, you and Laziel.” He stopped at the window and gazed out into the night sky. “I’ll be blunt. You have a traitor in your midst, vampire. A high ranking one, if I guess correctly.”
"Tell me what you know.”
“This morning, I received an email, my personal account of which few have knowledge or access. It spews tales of corruption and deceit in the vampire court, and hinted at trouble during your last Elder meeting. It’s unsigned and to my limited experience untraceable.”
Malachi stood stoic giving no indication of the fury flashing like wildfire through his veins. In deference to the holy man at his side, he harnessed the snarl and the curse that coiled in his throat. “Darklon.” The immoral bastard was upping the stakes, stepping outside the vampire realm. In the grand scheme of things, it was taboo to reveal anything vampiric to the humans. To do so invited instant death. Malachi’s gut twisted with hatred for the male that dogged his steps causing havoc and mayhem while maintaining a pristine image. There would be no proof, no way to tie the email to the Elder, but it stank of his touch. Only he would be deranged enough or smug enough to contact the humans and expect to profit. A more ominous thought struck. If he’d come to some agreement with the humans, Nephilim would not be far behind. As if he sensed the inner turmoil, Gregori laid a hand on Malachi’s arm then quickly withdrew casting a glance back over his shoulder at the angel.
“You have nothing to fear from Laziel. If he thought you were a threat, he’d never have left my side.” Absently, Malachi reassured the male and rested a hand on the Pope’s shoulder. He tossed his own gaze toward the angel, and smothered a smile that threatened when the cheeky bastard winked at him.
J.T.: *swoops in and hugs Crystal* Hey darling.
So excited to be visiting with you again. We also love stopping in to chat with
you! And we brought Hotties this time. *glances over her shoulder as Laz and Lachi stroll in* Aren’t they
just dreamy! *squeezes V.L.’s hand*
V.L.: *Smiles* Hi Crystal. It's great to be
back with you again. *Pulls Laz up and
warns him to behave best he can. *
What made you decide to write in the paranormal genre?
*points at the vampire king and his
angel* Easy answer…them. When they showed up and said write our story, we
fell all over ourselves to do it. Actually, we both love paranormal. Vampires
are my favorite. *grins as Lachi winks*
So damned sexy and mysterious. And fangs *shivers*
V.L.: I've
always loved the paranormal; ever since I was a small child. I'd be the one
sitting on my dad’s lap listening to his tales of the banshee or other Irish
folk stories. That progressed into reading them and I got hooked on Stephen
King and Dean Kroontz. But, nothing gives me more pleasure than writing
vampires, angels and shifters. I love the raw power that always seems to go
hand in hand with their characters.
How did the story for this book come about?
The original story started back in 2011 with Vischeral and Copi. They were our
first attempts at writing independent original characters. Laz and Lachi
evolved later as characters on Facebook. Their friends started asking how they
met and about their past. When they started telling us about their story, this
book was born. It entangled Vischeral and Copi and another story we were
writing about a wolf pack.
V.L.: Exactly
what JT said. Vischeral and Copi were our babies, but even then, while writing
them I was playing as an angel in R/P. At first Laz, or Lass as he was
then, had been alone for a very long time. He wasn't known for being with
anyone until JT started writing with us. Then everything changed..... *Smiles*
Crystal: This is the
first book in the series, how many more do you plan on writing?
*laughing* Well at last count it was
five, I think. We have a lot of characters to come and stories to resolve. We
know there are those who don’t like cliffhangers but one book can only hold so much.
V.L.: *Grins* At the rate we are introducing
new characters to the line-up, who knows. I think if the readers like where we
are going with it, it could work into more. But, we don't want to stretch it
out to a point where the story turns stale.
Crystal: Do you only write
in the m/m genre? If so, how did you get started in it? If not, which do
you prefer m/m or m/f? (Or even f/f if you write that!)
No, we have a joint book out in the m/f genre, For the Love of a God. I also
have a solo book out in the m/f genre, Ocean’s Kiss. I think we both prefer gay
romance. My first m/m read was Special Forces. It blew me away. I read it
shortly after being totally frustrated that Butch and Vishous were not given an
HEA in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Those two so belonged together. I
wanted to find a voice for them. The Crimson Nights Saga will have a bit of all
of it.
V.L.: M/M
is probably my favorite genre to write, but it's not the only one we do. As JT
explained, we both write solo too. Sometimes when you're developing a character
in your head you get a feel for how you see them, how they should be. At times
it just doesn't fit to have them with another man, I suppose it all depends on
the story and where it takes you.
Crystal: You both have books
out by yourselves, and books together, is it hard to co-write a book? How
do you do that is there a rotation as in you each writes a chapter?
I think it’s easier to co-author a book. You have someone to bounce ideas off
of and when you get stuck someone else can write for a while. So far, we’ve
picked characters and wrote in that character’s POV. We have a new book we’re
working on where we are writing more by chapter than character. It’s going well
so far.
V.L.: The
only hard part about co-writing for us is the fact that we are so far apart.
The difference in our time zones is a real bug bear but it won't beat us. I
really like where this new story is heading. We are looking forward to seeing
what you think of it too Crystal.
Crystal: Why are manhole
covers round? (Yes this is a serious question, probably the most serious out of
all of them!)
J.T.: We
answered this before…or rather Lachi did *laughing*
Umm, because corners are expensive?
V.L.: *Laughs* We have round and square ones
in England but...I like the fact that holes are made to be filled.
are for Laz and Lachi:
Crystal: For those of us who
haven’t read your story yet, can you tell us how you met?
Lachi: *twisting a stray feather around and through
his fingers* I couldn’t. *glances
over at Laziel* He’s the first thing I remember. He’s always been in my
life. How I got there, he’s never said.
Laz: *diverting his gaze from where his fingers
are playing through strands of Lachi's hair he looks to Crystal and smiles.* I
could tell you, but then where would be the fun in that. Suffice to say,
Azarian is mine in more ways than one. There is nothing that I wouldn't do to
keep him safe...Nothing. If you really do need to know, then maybe in the next
book it might become a little clearer as to how we came to be as one.
Crystal: It is strange to
see a vampire and an angel together, how do you make that work? Are there
a lot of issues from the people in your separate races
Lachi: *growling* My council expects me to mate
a female vampire and procreate. Not fuckin’ happening, but they keep pushing.
They don’t know about us. None of their damned business. *slides his hand up and down the angel’s thigh fighting the savagery of
his nature*
Laz: *Leans in and gently nips the vampire's ear*
Shhh calm down big boy...You can work through all this anger later....On
me. *Grins* Sadly, Crystal I am the
last of my race, the Seraphim angels. I only answer to the Creator himself
and maybe on occasion this sexy beast next to me. I don't give a rat’s ass what
people think of us. I only care that my Azarian is safe, and as long as he
is in my arms and warming our bed, I'm good.
Crystal: I noticed that you
have Facebook accounts, and I just have to know. Where you COMPLETELY
honest with your ages on there? Or did you make yourself younger? *raises eyebrow*
Lachi: *chuckling* definitely younger, Facebook
doesn’t have the capacity to fill my age, it would never get the angel’s right
Laziel: Ha ha ha ha ha ha OMG
Seriously, I walked this Earth when it was still cooling down. I don't think
there's enough room on the page for the amount of numbers I'd need to write my
Crystal: Do you think that
JT and VL did a good job telling your story? And you can be honest here;
don’t worry about what they will say after the interview.
Lachi: *eyes the two females* Yeah, they did
good. We sure didn’t make it easy for them. I think I heard them say it was
like pulling werewolf teeth?
Laziel: Hmmm...To a point yes, but there is
only so much information a person can take. As much as we love VL and JT I
don't think either of them could handle the immensity of love that a
celestial's heart holds...No one could. *Looks
Crystal: If there was one
thing you could change about your story, what would it be?
Lachi: *growls again and gives the angel a glare*
No one would take what’s mine. Ever.
Laziel: *Swallows hard and pushes back the rise of
emotion* Fate is a funny thing, Crystal my love. We have to let it play its
hand. But, at the same time, Karma is a wonderful thing. Fate's bitch pill if
you like. It has a habit of biting those that wrong you and making them pay. I
can't wait for karma to take the beast by the leash and exact its vengeance on
Darklon’s sad ass. I should have done in the fucker centuries ago!
Why are manhole covers round?
(Yes this is a serious question.)
Lachi: *chuckling* I answered this last time
for J.T. Tight, dark, wet round holes are made to be explored.
Laz: *Growls and pulls Lachi to his feet* On
that note, Crystal darling, we'll bid ya farewell. I have just the right sized
hole for what you’re offering handsome, only right now it's achingly empty and
needs to be stretched wide and filled to the brim! *Winks and gives a wave to Crystal as he gets hoisted over Lachi's
broad back.* Thanks lovie...We'll catch up soon I promise...When I can walk
After a lifetime of reading and at the suggestion of friends,
J.T. finally put fingers to keys and started writing her own stories. It’s been
a wildly amazing ride full of tears, exhilaration and plain old hard work.
Thankfully, her three beautiful children support her craziness and encourage
her to continue something she loves. While she does write solo stories, she
thrives on the work she does with V.L. Moon, her writing partner and fiance.
What a small world it is indeed Mr. Disney when a small town girl from Alabama
can find and write with a big city girl from England. What a ride it has been
and continues to be!
V.L. is an avid book reader and a lover of long dark winter
nights tucked up with a rather fruity glass of red and her partner in crime J.
T. Cheyanne. She aspires to conquer the world with J.T. and their love of
vampires, angels and wolves mixed in with some mighty fine Gods and a deluge of
hot gay romance.

Cyrstal baby *big hugs* thank you thank you thank you for another awesome and sensational tour stop. You and Paul so rock our socks! It's always a grand time when we drop by. Thank you for hosting and for being such an all around amazing person. Wolfie Paul, sooo freakin love the review. MWAH!
ReplyDeleteThank you to both of you for taking part in the tour. Crystal and Paul, as always your support is greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the great feedback girls! Sex Kitten it thrills me that you loved the review as I loved Crimson Reign and can't wait for Book2!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like it's going to be an amazing series! Keeping my fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteWow does this sound like it will be an AWESOME SERIES!!! Please keep up the GREAT work we truely do appreciate you author's and all your hard work!!! :)
ReplyDeleteLooks HOT!