06 April 2014

Turbulence by Lyn Gala

Corporal Jacqs Glebov is a simple soldier who wants a bunk, decent food and the company of other battle-hardened men and women who understand the realities of fighting. Instead he's stuck patrolling a remote corner of the border with cadets straight out of boot camp. They don't understand him, and he sure doesn't have an ounce of respect for them.

After a field promotion, Earth sends Commander Zeke Waters to the Candiru for some practical experience in a leadership role. Instead, Zeke falls in lust with the adamantly heterosexual Jacqs. The way Jacqs fights and the way he sees the world draws Zeke closer, even if common sense tells him to walk away.

Even if they can find a way to reconcile their sexual differences, they are both still soldiers. The war will eventually take them away from each other unless they can find a way to escape the rules that have defined their lives.

I am a fan of sci-fi romance, but unfortunately I have not found many authors who are able to successfully combine the right amount of romance, action, and sex. After reading the blurb for Turbulence I was looking forward to reading it. Upon reading the Dedication, my excitement over reading it skyrocketed. I am a huge Firefly fan and Jayne has always been my favorite character, so the idea that Ms. Gala's character Jacqs was inspired by Jayne ... well that was just shiny. Not only did I get to enjoy the inclusion of Fireflyisms, but I got to imagine Adam Baldwin getting all hot and sweaty with Zeke. But the nod to Firefly is only a part of what made this an amazing read.

Turbulence sets the stage for the series and it is through Jacqs and his coming to terms with his sexuality that we learn about the universe in which this series is set. Jacqs's universe is much more accepting of sexual differences than ours. He has spent his entire adulthood as a het (heterosexual) man and never once had doubts as to his sexuality until it was pointed out to him several times that the newly arrived Commander Zeke Waters was attracted to him. So often I read books in which the main character’s epiphany (i.e., love at first sight, maybe I do like guys) comes immediately upon them setting eyes on the soon-to-be object of their affection. But not Jacqs. Nope, it wasn’t until several different crew members pointed out Zeke’s attraction to him that he began to consider Zeke as a potential sexual partner. But our dear, dear Jacqs doesn’t go through the angst and long, drawn out self-evaluation that most characters experience. He’s had a hard life, there’s a war going on, and he is a VERY practical man, so after an enlightening conversation (for both him and the reader) with Zeke regarding the various sexual classifications that crew members must register as, he accepts that he is not a het after all. Thus begins Jacqs’s exploration of an M/M sexual relationship with Zeke. While Jacqs might not be an educated man, he is a very dedicated student and his willingness to learn makes for many sizzling scenes between two testosterone-fueled, alpha male soldiers and all I can say is “Thank You Lyn!”

Obviously there is more to Turbulence than the sexual relationship between Jacqs and Zeke. Not only do we get to watch their relationship grow and deepen, we also get to go on the wild ride with them as they are called into action in the war that they’ve been fighting in for years. Both of these men are soldiers who are willing to do whatever it takes to save others and they do, more than once in the book. Suffice it to say, this is where Ms. Gala combines the right amount of action and romance with a liberal amount of hot sex to create a truly enjoyable read and I now have a new addition to my re-read list. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series, Drift, and learning more about some of the characters I met in Turbulence.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G3EAJTE/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00G3EAJTE&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/turbulence-lyn-gala/1117315746?ean=9781623005047&itm=1&usri=lyn+gala    https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-turbulence-1343784-340.html?referrer=52378e08e5757   


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