Pierce aka Strategic Intelligence Specialist, Backhander is back to
flush out some of the DEA’s most notorious criminals, and he has one
helluva’ team backing him up. The country’s most decorated Navy
Seals…the Beastmasters.
Pierce is more than capable of doing his job, but he has one insanely hot distraction that continuously causes him to second guess his hidden orientation–
Dane Aramis, call-sign, Hawk. Hawk can see what most people can’t,
and whether his sexy Pierce wants to admit it or not, he can see the
brilliant man’s desire runs deep for him. Hawk is not the type of Seal to lose his man. Pierce will be his.
However, when Pierce and the Beastmasters are on their final assignment, the last person they expect to encounter with the
opposition is rogue assassin… Omega.
The man is unstoppable, and when he comes too close to what
Hawk holds dear, the Beastmasters call on the only man that can control the lethal assassin. Omega’s faster more skilled brother, Alpha.
Bringing Alpha - the deadliest man in the world that has no allegiances and no alliances back into society may be disastrous for everyone involved. But, Hawk is willing to take that risk to keep Pierce safe.
Pierce aka Strategic Intelligence Specialist, Backhander is back to
flush out some of the DEA’s most notorious criminals, and he has one
helluva’ team backing him up. The country’s most decorated Navy
Seals…the Beastmasters.
Pierce is more than capable of doing his job, but he has one insanely hot distraction that continuously causes him to second guess his hidden orientation–
Dane Aramis, call-sign, Hawk. Hawk can see what most people can’t,
and whether his sexy Pierce wants to admit it or not, he can see the
brilliant man’s desire runs deep for him. Hawk is not the type of Seal to lose his man. Pierce will be his.
However, when Pierce and the Beastmasters are on their final assignment, the last person they expect to encounter with the
opposition is rogue assassin… Omega.
The man is unstoppable, and when he comes too close to what
Hawk holds dear, the Beastmasters call on the only man that can control the lethal assassin. Omega’s faster more skilled brother, Alpha.
Bringing Alpha - the deadliest man in the world that has no allegiances and no alliances back into society may be disastrous for everyone involved. But, Hawk is willing to take that risk to keep Pierce safe.
This is a strange review for me to
write solely because I have mixed emotions about the book. After finishing the book, I was going between
a 4 and a 5 star rating but obviously I ended up with the 5 star as you can
The reason why I was going back
and forth is because while the story was good, there were some editing errors
that caught my attention. While I don’t usually point those out in reviews, one
of the big ones was a POV switch during one of the chapters and it did throw me
off a bit and I had to go back and re-read to make sure that I wasn’t completely
Now onto why I ended up giving the
book a 5 star rating, plain and simple because I would read the book again in
the future. While I do understand that
some people might get confused because of the multiple POV’s, (there were 6
total POVs in this story), I think that Ms. Via did a great job at working them
all into the story. All of the POVs were
needed in order to fully understand what was happening, and to get the best
understanding of everything happening.
I do think that this is my
favorite book that I have read by Ms. Via because I did enjoy the characters,
the storyline and just the overall feel of the story. I would really recommend
this book to anyone who enjoys the genre and is looking for an action packed
story that will keep you wanting more.
Btw, Ms. Via, I really want more
of Alpha’s story!
Amazon US || Barnes & Noble || ARe
on your mind, Backhander?” Hawk’s eyes stayed on him, locking him in place.
Stay cool.
I commanded you to stand down. I wanted those men alive for interrogation. Dead
suspects can’t help me,” Pierce said while staring at Hawk’s forehead.
raised one corner of his sexy mouth and stepped in closer to him. “I follow no
one’s commands. My allegiance is to the Beastmasters, not the DEA, not the FBI,
not the CIA, and for damn sure, not you.” Hawk accented each statement with a
step closer to Pierce. “You’re fooling yourself if you think by running off a
few high-ranking smugglers and traffickers that you’re making a difference.
When you cut off the snake’s tail, he grows another one.”
repeatedly backing up from Hawk’s advances, Pierce’s back was up against the
side of the eighteen-wheeler. It was just him and Hawk, the dark stillness of
the night, and one massive-ass gun at his side. The rifle was over half the
length of the man wielding it.
looked down at the weapon and back up into Hawk’s eyes. “Do you have the safety
switched on on that thing?”
snorted at Pierce’s comment. “Safety? No. Why? Are you afraid of my weapon,
Damn this man has no respect for
personal space.
need to back the fuck up.” Pierce tried to inject some venom into his voice.
Hawk had his entire body pressed up against him, his six-foot four inch height
making his shoulder length brownish-blond hair fall down onto Pierce’s face,
cocooning him from the cool breeze coming off the mountains of Roanoke,
I want to clarify a couple of things, Backhander. This sexy beauty beside me is
my weapon, and don’t you worry, it would never be used to harm one hair on that
pretty little head of yours. Now this
is my gun.” Hawk thrust his cock hard into Pierce’s front, making him grunt at
the pain and holy fuck, the pleasure.
keep accusing me of ‘liking to get my gun off’, right?” Hawk smiled down on
him. He lowered his plush lips to Pierce’s ear and groaned against it.
closed his eyes. God help me.
keep shooting of that sexy mouth of yours Backhander, and I’m going to show you
just how I get my motherfuckin’ gun off,” Hawk hissed.
pushed at Hawk’s much larger frame but of course he didn’t budge – he never did.
“Back-off damnit. I told you I’m not interested,” Pierce argued weakly.
see differently, beautiful. But that’s okay.” Hawk backed up. “I’ll leave you
to it, and watch you come around.”
made his way to the back of the eighteen-wheeler and hoisted himself and his weapon into the trailer. Pierce tried
not to look at Hawk’s ass in the loose army fatigues, or the way his back
muscles rippled underneath his army green t-shirt. Pierce didn’t look away fast
enough and he knew he’d been caught ogling. Hawk flashed him a shit-eating
grin, and winked at Pierce right before he slammed the metal doors.
Cocky bastard.

When she’s not
clicking away at her laptop, she devotes herself to her family—a husband and
four children, her two pets, a Maltese dog and her white Siamese cat, ELynn,
named after the late, great gay romance author E. Lynn Harris.
While this is
only her fifth novel, she has plenty more to come. So stalk her – she loves
that - because the male on male action is just heating up!
Go to A.E.
Via’s official website for more detailed information on
how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peak on upcoming work, free reads,
and where she’ll appear next.
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