Annabeth Albert grew up
sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of
romance out in the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her
keeper shelf, she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.
Emotionally complex,
sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth
loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay
rights supporter. In between searching
out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two
Represented by Saritza
Hernandez of the Corvisiero Literary Agency
Who in your personal life was
the biggest supporter of your writing?
come from a family of librarians and booksellers, so growing up, everyone was
always very supportive of my writing. These days, my husband and my best
friends are my biggest cheering section—they get why writing LGBT romance is so
important to me.
Do you prefer quiet or
background noise when writing? If background noise, what?
do a spotify playlist for each book I’m working on. Different books demand
different music—it was non-stop a cappella music for Treble Maker, a lot of
Katy Perry with a side of Jethro Tull for Delivered Fast, a steady beat of
heavy metal for Resilient Heart, and some super-fun college music for Winning
Bracket. When I can’t focus on music with words, I use movie soundtracks.
What is one thing you
wish your readers could understand about the writing process?
think it’s hard to understand how much of writing is actually rewriting—it’s
not enough to just love a story and want to tell it. It’s being willing to
wrestle with it, shape it, come back to it dozens of times to get it right.
If your characters could come to
life and be a real human, which one do you think you would get along with best
and which one would drive you crazy first?
think Ollie from Winning Bracket and Robby from Served Hot (coming in March)
and Lance from Delivered Fast (coming in May) would be the most fun to hang out
with. Each is a really fun, happy guy who loves having friends and good
conversation. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure that * I* would drive Xander
and Mackey from Resilient Heart a little nuts in person—my DH has a lot of
ex-military friends and they don’t always get my crunchy granola Pacific
Northwest persona.
When did you start
writing and what was your inspiration?
written ever since I was a kid. My very first inspiration? I wanted my Barbie
dolls to come to life, so I wrote stories for them instead.
Is there a genre or type
of book that you love to read but could never write and if so why?
I love historical fiction, but I don’t have patience for the research or a good
grasp on world building like one has to have for a historical series.
Since you've been writing
how much has the genre changed? Good, bad?
m/m and LGBT romance genre has absolutely exploded in the last two years! The
romance genre in general is on a huge upswing.
Seeing more and more
authors going the "self-pub' route. Thoughts?
believe in doing a mix of self-pub and traditionally published books. I love
working with my agent and the awesome people at Kensington publishing. I can’t
wait to bring out my Portland Heat series this spring with them. But self-publishing
lets me bring out previously released titles and add new content like I’m doing
with Winning Bracket and Resilient Heart. Regardless of method, I am obsessive
about the editing process—I think a good editor is worth their weight in gold.
How much thought do you as an
author put into your cover, cover models etc. And has that changed since you
started writing. If so, have you or will you go back and re-do covers you’re no
longer pleased with?
publisher handled the covers for the Portland Heat books, and I couldn’t be
happier with how they turned out. For my self-published titles, I relied on
good word of mouth to find a cover artist with a style I loved. Each cover went
through multiple drafts before my cover artist and I were satisfied!
What is the most intense scene
you have ever written? Did you find it difficult writing that scene?
Resilient Heart, there is a really intense scene where Xander is very
depressed. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever written, but the tears were
totally worth it.
If you could write in any genre
that you've never tried, what would it be and why?
lucky. I write exactly what I want to. But that said, at some point it might be
fun to try a YA.
When thinking about writing any
specific genre, what triggers your fears and insecurities the most?
think the same fears surface with any new project: Can I pull this off? Can I
make this authentic? Can I treat this subject with the respect it demands? Can
I make this complex character likeable? The more I love a story and love the
characters, the more anxious I get that I can’t do the story justice.
When writing, what comes first?
The characters or the plot?
scenario usually comes to mind first—like a short little book blurb creeps into
my brain. Then I flesh out the characters, learn more about them. Next, I do
more plotting, then as I plot, I learn even more about the characters and
continue to shape the characters through plot.
Do you find that you write what
you love to read? Or a different genre?
read just about everything—romantic suspense, historical, mysteries, erotica,
Do you ever write your own
personal fantasies into your books?
really. I think you have to have a certain distance from the plot and the
characters to let them have a life of their own. I’ve had plenty of characters
with tastes very different from mine. And that excites me—I like spending time
with very different personalities.
How much if any of your
story line comes from real life people or events?
a news story will spark a plot bunny. I usually tweet/share those!
How many times do you read
what you wrote and think "where the hell did that come from?!"
All. The. Time.
All. The. Time.
Do you have to look at the
keys when you type?
usually, but if I’m not familiar with the keyboard sometimes I have to double
check J
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck
A whole lot of wood.
What are you two favorite 80’s movies?
The Breakfast Club and Risky
Why are man-hole covers round?
Because circles are pretty :)

A sexy bet on a basketball tournament challenges nerdalicious Edwin and party-boy Ollie to change their relationship status from frenemies to lovers.
Oliver Marshall has been a sexy pain in Edwin Schultz’s side since freshman year. Now seniors and competing dorm resident advisors, the two are in constant strife over noise levels and study hours. However, deep down, Edwin’s been nursing a painful crush on Ollie for years. When Ollie proposes a bet on a basketball tournament, Edwin seizes the chance to put his inconvenient feelings for Ollie behind him once and for all.
Edwin’s not the only one suffering a case of unwanted attraction—Ollie’s been running from his feelings for Edwin for a long time. He doesn't understand how someone who drives Ollie so crazy with his adherence to rules can be the same guy who makes his pulse pound. In fact, Ollie’s never been so eager to lose a bet in his life.
As the challenge becomes a hot bedroom battle to avoid real emotions, the two “frenemies” must change their definitions of losing to win a shot at lasting love.
BONUS Epilogue/Short Story, Winning Wedding: When a lost receipt threatens their special day, Ollie and Edwin must wager on finding a solution before time runs out.
Ollie kept looking at him,
dark eyes patient and kind, like he really did care about Edwin and Edwin’s
GPA. The dark slashes of his eyebrows were a contrast to his creamy skin and
heart-shaped mouth, offsetting his elfin features with a masculine edge that
had always intrigued Edwin.
Edwin exhaled a long, you-win
sigh. “Maybe I’ll try not to go all RA Buzzkill while the games are on.”
“Awesomesauce! You should
come grab some pizza too.” Ollie grinned widely, showcasing a row of perfectly
white, straight teeth. Having an orthodontist dad had its perks—high limit
credit cards and a gorgeous smile. “And you should do the bracket challenge!”
“For what reason?” Edwin
refused to be dazzled by Ollie’s smile. Or charmed by Ollie’s attempts to
rearrange the English language. If he wasn’t adding “-ie” sounds to perfectly
good nouns, he was coining his own adjectives. Like “awesomesauce.” Ridiculous
“For fun.” Ollie snorted like
Edwin had asked an absurd question. Like randomly picking game-winners from an
array of schools Edwin had never heard of was the best way to spend Sunday. “I’ve
got some great prizes lined up.”
“I don’t need a prize.”
“Oh come on. We could bet.”
Ollie’s eyes sparkled. “Like if my final-four bracket beats yours, you host the
watch party.”
“Dream on.” Edwin tried to
ignore the feeling of intrigue curling low in his gut.
“Oh come on, Eddie. Think
about what would happen if you won! Isn’t there something you want from me?”
You have no idea. Really,
none. Edwin had spent the last three years being very, very careful to hide
even a hint of “something” from the too-perceptive Ollie. This year had been
the worst. Ever since August…
And okay, he was not going to think about
August right then. Not with Ollie sitting on the bed looking all eager. Like he’d
enjoy nothing more than making Edwin’s dreams come true, though Edwin knew that
was far from the case.
Edwin wasn’t a jock, he wasn’t
a party guy, he wasn’t tall, he wasn’t cute—he was nothing like the guys Ollie
crushed on. No, Ollie was a lit firecracker, and Edwin knew better than to grab
on and hope the bang wouldn’t explode in his face.
“I don’t know anything about
the teams—no point in doing random guesses.”
“No point? The whole point of
the tournament is random guesses! Grady won our floor’s pool last year by
picking all dog mascots to advance and all cat mascots to lose. I kept track of
the teams the whole season, and I came in second. There’s no way to predict
which big-time teams are going to choke.”
Ollie’s hands grabbed at his
own throat, his fingers curving like claws, his eyes crossing, his mouth
emitting horribly realistic gagging sounds. Right when Edwin started to get a
bit worried, Ollie dropped his hands and grinned. “You know. Choke. Whiff on
their chances. Lose even though everyone thought they’d win. But that’s the
absolute best part of March Madness—the Cinderella stories. The tiny teams that
no one sees coming, and they seize the moment!” Ollie’s hands grabbed at the
air in front of him. Like the moment was a real thing to seize. Like randomness
and chaos were things people should want.
“Cinderella stories?”
“Because they finally get a
chance to go to the big dance.” Ollie’s hands stopped moving. His face sagged.
Like Edwin’s lack of basketball IQ was zapping his energy. “Come on. You make
some guesses, and if you’re right, I’ll do whatever you want. And if you’re
“Hold up. If I filled out a
bracket and mine beat yours, you’d do whatever I wanted? Like anything?”
“Sure.” Ollie shrugged, an
insolent lift of surprisingly wide shoulders inside a too-big shirt. “I mean
not all day. But sure, you want me to be a slave for an hour or something, I
can take it.”
Ka-pow. The firecracker
exploded, hot want raining down on Edwin, sparking against his skin. Anything.
Ollie-as-slave images began to run on repeat in his brain, Ollie getting
considerably less clothing with each pass. Edwin could ask for anything, and it
would just be a joke to Ollie—a lark to be laughed over later, no more of a big
deal than opening up with a can of silly string or shorting his sheets every
night for a week.
Oh my God. Would
it work? Could he use something like this—a stupid bet on stupid basketball—to
exorcise the Ollie demons that had plagued him for years, all without having to
admit how he felt about Ollie? Because while Ollie had been busy with the
jock-crush-of-the-month plan, Edwin had been hung up on Ollie. For three and a
half years. If a stupid bet could shake Edwin free, then it was worth having to
learn something about basketball.
“Okay,” he whispered.
“Yay!” Ollie clambered off
the bed, springs squeaking as he hit the floor. “You’ll see. This is going to
be a great couple of weeks! So what are we going to play for this week? If my
bracket does better by Sunday night, you send an email supporting the next
watch party and you show up. And if you win…”
“I want a kiss.” The words
escaped Edwin before he could call them back, before he could temper them with
logic or suppress them with reality.

Army IT specialist Xander keeps his emotions wired as tight as his NETCOM gear, but when he’s seriously injured by an IED, his whole life unravels. Running out of options, Xander must accept help from his ex-friend-with-benefits, Mackey. However, Xander’s had feelings for Mackey for years, and close quarters only complicates his emotions. Further, Xander doesn’t know which is worse: combating his inner demons or dealing with Mackey’s guilty kindnesses.
Mackey’s always kept his emotions close to his chest, but now he’s got a secret that could destroy his one chance with the man he cares far too much for. Both men will have to heal their wounded hearts to ensure a future together.
Entwined Future: In this new short story, Mackey has news that could change everything for him and Xander, but a visit from Xander's family jeopardizes Mackey's plans--and forces Xander to confront some harsh truths.

Robby is a self-employed barista with a busy coffee cart, a warm smile, and a major crush on one of his customers. David is a handsome finance director who works nearby, eats lunch by himself, and expects nothing but "the usual"—small vanilla latte—from the cute guy in the cart. But when David shows up for his first Portland Pride festival, Robby works up the nerve to take their slow-brewing relationship to the next level. David, however, is newly out and single, still grieving the loss of his longtime lover, and unsure if he’s ready to date again. Yet with every fresh latte, sweet exchange—and near hook-up—David and Robby go from simmering to steaming to piping hot. The question is: Will someone get burned?
First in the new Portland Heat series!

Vic Degrassi is a baker on the rise, and it’s all thanks to his rare ability to make—and keep—his New Year’s resolutions. Whether it’s losing weight, giving up smoking, or graduating from culinary school, Vic goes after what he wants—and gets it. This year? He wants Robin Dawson, the sweet-hearted hottie who volunteers with him at the local homeless shelter. When he learns that Robin is suddenly single after being unceremoniously dumped, Vic is more than happy to offer a shoulder to cry on—or at least a fresh-baked pastry to bite into. But it’s been a long time since Vic’s gone on a date, and he’s nervous about risking his friendship with Robin. So when their flirtation turns into a steamy night together, Vic and Robin have to figure out if they’re friends with benefits or lovers in the making, and if Robin is ready for something more than just a rebound. There’s only one way to find out: turn up the heat…

Sure, Chris O’Neal has problems. His restaurant is still co-owned by his ex. His flannel-and-tattoos style is making him accidentally trendy. He can’t remember the last time he went out and had fun. But he’s not lonely, he’s driven. And the hot bakery delivery boy is not his problem, no matter how sweet his buns.
Chris is old enough to know Lance Degrassi’s sculpted good looks and clever double entendres spell nothing but trouble. Lance is still in college—he should be hitting the clubs and the books, chasing guys his own age, not pursuing some gruff motorcycle-riding workaholic. Especially when he’ll be leaving for grad school in a few months. But Lance keeps hanging around, lending a hand, charming Chris to distraction. Maybe some steaming hot no-strings indulgence won’t hurt.
Then again, maybe it will…
Third in the Portland Heat series!
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