Lexie Palmer is a writer in search of the perfect story.
When a case of mistaken identity introduces her to the charismatic dominant, Garrett Hughes, she discovers her salvation. In hopes of penning an accurate portrayal of the BDSM lifestyle, Garrett agrees to educate Lexie.
She eagerly places herself in Garret’s capable hands, but what starts out as just business with the sexy Mr. Hughes takes a turn toward the unexpected.
Soon, Lexie becomes immersed in his world, and finds Garret taking control of her life. Her experiences with Garrett may be providing wonderful material for her book, but how far is she willing to go to for her story?
Lexie Palmer is about to get a lesson in submission that she will never forget.
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There was so much suspense and building
passion in this book that I was sure that when it came to a head that it was
going to explode, but unfortunately it did not.
There was all of this potential but it all dissolves in the end when the
plot takes a complete left turn and heads in a completely different direction.
I thought the whole premise of an author
creating a book to follow a new literary trend even though she has no
experience in it was fascinating. I
really liked the characters and loved their chemistry together but I was just
disappointed in the ending. Overall this
was a good book but I wanted it to end differently so I was disappointed. While I thought the writing style and
character development were good I am not sure that I would read this author
again just due to the severe plot change at the end. In my opinion this book could have been much
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Excerpt from Taming Me © Alexandrea Weis
“When I punish a sub, I want to make the punishment
memorable, but in another way I want to make it reinforce their submission to
me.” He removed his tie, curling it about his long fingers.” Punishment is
about withholding pleasure; tempting, promising, but never giving.”
I was mesmerized by the way the cool gray silk was
laced in and around his fingers. I hurriedly gazed down at the drink in my
hand. “So what do you do, spank them,
tie them up, what?”
He took my drink and put it on the table. “Would you
like a demonstration?”
“No.” I shrank away, picturing being held over his lap
and spanked like a child.
He leaned toward me, holding up his tie. “If you want
to truly learn about my world, Lexie, you must experience it.” His face inched
ever so close to mine. “I promise I will not hurt you,” he softly added.
His thin lips hovered in front of me as I considered
his offer. He had a point; perhaps I needed to experience what he did to his
subs in order to be able to write about it. As his dark brown eyes seared into
me, my resistance slipped away.
“All right, fine.” I sat back against the sofa. “But
I’m only agreeing to do this for the sake of the book.”
“Of course. It’s all about the book.” He stood from
the sofa and went to the middle of the room. “Come here.”
Taking in a deep breath, I stood up and approached
him. Without my heels I came right under his chin, and I could see the slight
dimple there. I had never noticed that before.
“Turn around,” he commanded.
Sighing at the insistence in his voice, I did as he
asked, wishing he could just ask nicely for once. When his hands went to the
zipper on the back of my dress I almost pulled away, and then remembered his
words from previous encounters. I had to relax, and I had to trust him.
“You didn’t pull away,” he whispered as the zipper
slowly eased downward. “You’re learning.”
“I’m getting—”
“No talking. You never talk when I’m punishing you.”
I snorted. Silly me.
After he had pushed my black cocktail dress off my
shoulders, I stood calmly as the fabric slid down my body and gathered about my
ankles. Standing before him in my underwear and strapless bra did not seem like
such a feat anymore. Maybe I was getting the hang of this; and then another
thought hit me. Or maybe I wanted to be naked in front of him.
His fingers lightly stroked along my shoulders and
then his deep voice said, “Put your hands behind your back.”
Still not sure what to expect, I complied, and soon I
felt the silk tie being wrapped about my wrists and secured tightly. At this
point, I should have been getting concerned. Every instinct I had was screaming
at me not to go along with his plans, but at a certain point in a relationship
there comes a time when belief in another person outweighs reason. We want to
believe someone will be kind to us, love us, or take care of us no matter how
many times our past has taught us otherwise. This was that moment for me. I
believed Garrett would not hurt me, and I knew then that I trusted him.
When his hands left my wrists, they began working
their way down my back until his fingers hooked the top of my black silk
panties. He eased the panties down my hips and all the way to my ankles.
Lifting my right foot and then my left, he removed the underwear and dress from
about my feet.
The cool air in my apartment was making my flesh dance
with goose pimples, and when his hand cupped my behind, the chill turned into a
rush of heat.
“On your knees,” he said behind me.
With a
little awkward effort I got down on my knees. I prepared myself for a few slaps
on my butt, thinking that was what he had in mind for my punishment. But when
he kneeled behind me and pushed my head over to the hardwood floor, my stomach
clenched. Feeling so exposed only compounded the rush of adrenaline racing
through me. My heart was pounding and my breath was coming in nervous gasps. I
stayed like that for a few minutes, waiting for him to touch me, spank me …
do something.
Alexandrea Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans. Having been brought up in the motion picture industry, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans.
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