20 January 2014

Thomas's Muse Tour Stop!

Four years ago, for a brief moment, Sammie Singleton became the muse of an artist she didn't know. The moment vanished, and now Sammie spends her nights with a different man.

Her life is black and white. But she needs food for her soul to feel alive.

She needs color. She needs art.

Everything changes the moment she meets Thomas Quidell. Brilliant and talented, Sammie quickly realizes Tom is her artist--and the man she's been fantasizing about all these years.

Tom offers her more than a lifeline. He opens her eyes to a new life. Vibrant, loving, fulfilling. But is she strong enough to take a chance?
This novella wasn’t quite what I expected, because I thought it had pretty deep messages for such a short story.  Very surprised, in a very good way.
Sammie is stuck in a dead-end relationship.  I don’t think she fully understands how unhappy she is in her current situation and how desperately she needs a change. Sammie throws herself into her work, where she meets Thomas.  He just so happens to resemble the man she sees in her fantasies, and she is instantly drawn to and intrigued by him. What neither of them realizes is that they have a connection going back years.  Could they be the best thing that ever happened to each other?
This book, being so short, really just dives right in.  It switches perspectives between Sammie and Thomas, which is always something I’m a fan of.  I like being able to see what is going on in each character’s mind.  Thomas is so sweet and sensitive and sexy…he’s perfect.  He and Sammie pretty much just dive head first into uncharted waters and their relationship seems to progress at light speed, but I think in the context of the story that’s ok.  They had been thinking about each other for years, having met before, so I think it’s easy to see how once they found each other, they’d want to explore that connection.  I will warn you that there is cheating in this book…if you’re not a fan of that, consider yourself warned.
Another thing I liked for such a short book was the fact that it’s not just all about sex and romance.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like all the sex, but this book incorporates the world of art which is a central theme in the lives of both characters.  It really adds something special to the story that separates it from others in this genre.
Overall, I enjoyed this book.  The writing is very imaginative and descriptive.  The clarity of the writing affords for the reader to really get the full picture of the story in their mind.  Great job. 4 stars.

 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/thomass-muse-kris-austen-radcliffe/1117508416?ean=2940149103911    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GX9VRKE/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00GX9VRKE&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20

As a child, Kris took down a pack of hungry wolves with only a hardcover copy of "The Dragonriders of Pern" and a sharpened toothbrush. That fateful day set her on a path traversing many storytelling worlds--dabbles in film and comic books, time as a talent agent and a textbook photo coordinator, and a foray into nonfiction. After co-authoring "Mind Shapes: Understanding the Differences in Thinking and Communication", Kris returned to academia. But she craved narrative and a richly-textured world of Fates, Shifters, and Dragons--and unexpected, true love.
Kris lives in Minnesota with her husband, two daughters, Handsome Cat, and an entire menagerie of suburban wildlife bent on destroying her house. That battered-but-true copy of "Dragonriders"? She found it yesterday. It's time to pay a visit to the woodpeckers.


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