12 May 2013

Brianna's Bewitching, By Selene Grace Silver

A radical feminist and a traditional cop meet during a women's rights rally in downtown Los Angeles in 1977.

Brianna is a feminist finishing up her final university courses. She’s a little bit wild, but isn’t that what being young and free is all about? It’s a new age for women and she intends to reap the benefits that new status provides her. She’s focused on developing a rewarding career and finding an adventurous lover. She’s also a witch-in-training. Her inherited powers are growing faster than her skill though. She’s not sure if one of her reality shifting spells is the reason she’s become the love interest of one LAPD officer.

Jack Ross never does anything without a well-thought out plan. On track to make detective within the year, he’s lined up a perfect woman to be his wife and raise their children. She’s thoughtful, gracious, and lovely to look at, and best of all, she’s not one of those radical bra burning feminists. She desires a traditional life as a wife and mother. If he doesn’t exactly love her yet, he’s sure that he will once they marry. He’s never been in love and it seems to him that it’s as easy to love one attractive woman as another. Then one unruly, mouthy blonde lands in his arms, disrupting all his carefully-laid plans. 

                Oh my gosh, I loved reading this book!!! I loved how Jack’s character had thought he had it all figured out, and then when he sees Brianna, all those plans go out of the window!  I love the books where things go wrong right from the start.  That is what happened in this book.
                Brianna is a witch and after completing a spell the night before, she finds out that her love interest dies in a car accident.  With worries that she might have caused that, she goes to the women’s rights rally to support the women.  She wasn’t expecting to meet Jack there, and she wasn’t planning on having the feelings come out that did.
                Jack had his whole life planned out, he wanted the woman who stayed at home and took care of the children.  He didn’t want the unpredictable.  He had what he thought was the perfect woman picked out to have that role in his life.  But meeting Brianna caused a change in that plan right away.
                Jack’s and Brianna’s characters were so well written, they were completely different in almost every way possible, yet they still managed to make their relationship work.  It was great to see how Brianna’s character goes from fighting her feelings for Jack, yet in the end she gives into them.
                My only complaint is that I wanted more!!!  I can’t wait to see what happens next in their relationship in the future.
                All in all, I would recommend this book to all of my friends and I really can’t wait to read more from the series to come.

This book is currently $2.99 US Dollars on Amazon.

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