A Giveaway and Blog Tour for my newest
release… Road Trip
Homeward Bound
The final leg of a journey—the homeward
bound stretch—is kind of a melancholy moment. As grateful as one can be to
return to their own blankets, pillows, bed and towels, it's still disappointing
to know that the trip is over. Sure, your loved ones and your dog (cat, guinea
pig, rabbit, or pet rock) are going to be so grateful that you're home that
they're going to shower you with unbounded love in whatever form they can manage
it, but the nights of doing whatever you do for fun until the wee hours of the
morning are done. Familiar places, schedules, and people are comforting, but
familiarity also breeds contempt. It's an odd feeling to look forward to
returning, while at the same time wishing you were just leaving.
I have to imagine that Boyd, the main
character in Road Trip feels that sense of wistfulness pretty damn hard on his
own return home. One of the hardest things about realizing a dream is the
understanding that now you've got to come up with a new one to strive towards.
What is it about the return trip that it
always seems to take longer than the outgoing one did? Blame it on the fact
that you're already thinking about work and laundry and all the crap that might
have gone wrong with the plumbing, the security, or the pets that were left
behind, or just a simple case of not having the energy and excitement you did
when you first left. The clock might tell you that an hour (or four, or ten, or
twelve) is an hour, but your brain will tell you that it's taking twice as long
to get home.
I've also noticed that if nothing has
gone wrong on your adventure as yet, this is probably the time it will happen.
With my own personal road trip, I woke up the morning of my departure to find
out that my GPS had decided to die. No warning, no reason, no recovery – just a
half-hearted attempt to boot up followed by the dreaded blue screen of death.
The friend I was with at the time, in an
effort to keep me from completely losing my mind, got the GPS (that I didn't
know I had) up and working on my phone. Grateful, I started the trip back to
Canada both wonderstruck and thrilled over the advances made my technology. My
gratitude dissolved around the halfway mark when I realized my car couldn't
charge the battery of my phone as quickly as my phone could drain it.
Ah well, I said, back to paper. The only
problem with paper is that you need to be able to read it. This gets
complicated as the daylight begins to fade, but, hey, the car has those awesome
little road maps in it and they're only mildly distracting. You know what is a
major distraction, though? Rain.
I got an hour and a half away from
border (approximately an hour and half away from home) and the storm clouds
started to roll in. Within ten minutes those clouds burst open and it rained as
though Zeus himself had a personal vendetta with me. It poured so hard that the
wipers couldn't keep up with the deluge. Swiveling my neck to take my line of
sight from windshield to map, map to windshield, and back again, as I tried to
find my way to the border was positively terrifying. Surely, I told myself,
rain of that force can't stay in one place long. It probably didn't. But
neither did I. Apparently both the storm and I were on the same path that
I did, however, make it home in one
piece. And I was greeted by an extremely happy and relieved Chihuahua, who made
it seem like she thought I'd been returned from the dead. My couch really was
as comfortable as I remembered it, my mattress, too. But the thing I recall
most about that night was that, in my head, I was already planning the next
They say that one you catch the
traveling bug, it's hard to knock it out of your system. And to that I say...
why would you want to?
Thanks for traveling with me and the
boys on the blog tour!
Here's one last YouTube link to take
with you. :)
Blurb & Cover

Oliver seems like just another kid with
a broken dream when their paths cross in Vegas. Against Boyd's better judgment,
he offers to let Oliver hitch along for the ride when Oliver confides the need
to get out and get gone.
But it's not long before Boyd realizes
Oliver's reasons for running are more complicated—and more dangerous—than
Oliver let on. But Boyd doesn't like people who play hardball, and he
definitely doesn't like people messing with a man who's managed to light a fuse
that Boyd forgot he had.
Gay Contemporary Romance
Copyright © 2015 by A.F. Henley
Published by Less Than Three Press
Please note: Novel contains some
explicit content.
Purchase Links:
It was just another day—just another
twenty-four hour period between all the rest of them. Sure, thirty-five years
prior, Boyd's mother had been forcing out a nine-pound, some-odd-ounces mound
of entirely unimpressed infant from the depths of her lady parts, but Boyd
figured that was an event that should win her more kudos than it should him. As
far as celebrating his birthday went, Boyd's big plan was the acquisition of a
bottle of Jim Beam, followed by the slow-but-steady process of sipping himself
into an alcohol-induced stupor.
It hadn't taken long for thirty-five to
catch up to him, and it was one of those birthdays where three and a half
decades hit like seven. His back ached from sprawling on cold concrete for too
many hours. His finger joints burned from years of gripping air tools and
turning wrenches. He was bitter and disillusioned, tired and worn out, and
doing his best not to lament over the possibility that life truly was as good
as it was going to get.
Until he saw the email.
The auto trader website had promised the
best deals in the country delivered directly to one's inbox, free of charge.
Simply enter some personal info, vehicle preferences, and wait. Boyd had been a
member for almost four years, but it had got to the point where most of the
'awesome' notifications were marked and deleted before they were even read.
This one had pictures, though, and even if it would take his ancient computer
several minutes to chug them into existence, opening it would mean Boyd could
live vicariously with somebody else's chromed baby for a few moments.
The car was a beauty. The body was mint,
the engine supposedly ran like a clock, and it was drive-away ready. So when he
saw the price, Boyd almost ignored it. A typo, he assumed. Someone forgot a
one. An asking price of six-point-two was unheard of. He even went so far as to
close and delete the email, to shut down his computer, locate his keys, and
head for the front door before he reconsidered. Because, what if...?
What if finally...?
The Giveaway
On behalf of the tour, please join the
giveaway by taking part in the Rafflecopter below. The prize consists of a Vintage
'Chrome' and Leather Road Runner Key Fob (can you say awesome Father's Day Gift?), a $20 gift certificate to the Less
Than Three Press book market (free books!), and a signed, print copy of Road Trip (when available). Click
through for terms and conditions, further details, and your chance to win! See
all the details here: https://afhenley.wordpress.com/2015/01/24/road-trip-blog-tour-and-giveaway/
** Please note that this giveaway is
being offered tour-wide and there will be one winner awarded for the entire
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Bio & Avatar & Links
A self-professed Google genius, Henley
lives for the hours spent digging through the Internet for 'research purposes’
which, more often than not, lead seven thousand miles away from first
intentions but bring Henley to new discoveries and ideas that, once seeded,
tend to flourish.
Henley has been proudly working with LT3
since 2012, and has been writing like mad ever since—an indentured servant to
the belief that romance and true love can mend the most broken soul. Even when
presented in prose.
Find more here:
Website ||Amazon Page || Publisher's Page ||Facebook || Twitter
Thank you very much for hosting me! <3
ReplyDeleteThe Journey home is always the worst you've had so much fun on holiday and the road trip now it's going home. We always went home after a big Sunday roast so my sister and I always fell asleep and it felt like we were home in an hour when it was really about four. I'm looking forward to reading the book this blog hop has reminded me so much about all the long road trips we used to take every summer when I young.
That is most definitely the best thing about someone else driving -- the sleeping! :D
DeleteThank you very much for wanting to give the novel a chance. I'd love to hear what you think of it if/when you do.
Really appreciate all the support, thank you so much for following along with the tour. <3
Maybe the 3rd time's the charm, huh? Yes, I've typed this twice before already (Thank you, Google...!!) XD
ReplyDeleteHow fitting that the melancholy for a trip and this blog tour coming to a close is so similar. I remember the storm you talked about, but I hadn't a clue that you were in it. I'm very happy that you made it home safe. It is scary driving in storms like that, especially when some states in the northeast had started reducing light sources to prevent light pollution.
The first day of our Homeward Bound had more mishaps than any other point, the biggest of which was me slipping and falling into a pool of mud while trying to toss the last remaining bits of our trash out before we left. It shouldn't have been muddy, but it'd poured the night before, and apparently land construction workers had been using that same dumpster for their things, making the whole area a muddy pool. Everything was packed and everyone was ready to go, so I had to spend the first 2 days of the trip wearing my muddy pants since I didn't have a way of taking apart my strategically packed SUV without our possessions being known by people interested, and you've already warned just how much that could inspire people to break into a vehicle.
I had shorts, but US south version of summer would have put my sweaty skin against leather seats. Just no, thank you very much. Although I'm pretty sure unpacking my vehicle would have beaten out putting up with the itchy skin where the mud had sat against for 2 days. Me and my sensitive skin. XD
Thank you so much for the trip! <3
Hmm... let's just go with the idea that you were going for the grungy-chic look for that trip? XD
DeleteThank you for following along with the tour and commenting. Greatly appreciated. <3
I enjoyed all of your fun and informative tour posts. I appreciate all of the time and effort on these posts How true that coming back from a trip is rather melancholy with some much to return to or take care of etc.
ReplyDeleteThank you for following along with the tour, I'm thrilled that you've enjoyed the posts! :D
Delete2nd attempt - I appreciate of the time and effort that you spent on these fun and informative tour posts. There is a melancholy feeling when coming back from a trip with all of the things that you need to return to etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd a super huge thank you for the second attempt. ;)
DeleteThank you for the wonderful tour and for all the effort you put into the lovely posts! They've been quite informative and I've booked mark several of them to go back to read over.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! Thank you for your support. I'm glad you had a good time on my virtual road trip. You've been a great travel companion! :D
DeleteMaybe why the trip back home seems to take longer because somehow Life wants to give a person time to ponder and contemplate. The excitement and happiness one felt when starting a journey. The thrill and expectations. :) Maybe this feeling of melancholy is with those who deep down their heart are adventurers but, like Boyd, caught in the duties and obligations of day to day life.
ReplyDeleteI know this feeling of something bad might happen on the way home. It could be an analogy of one deepest thoughts: That nothing is worse to live an ordinary, uneventful life. But then there is the other side. Like you said: the comfort of home and friends and well-known routine. And the time to plan a new adventure! :D Maybe it is this up and down that we need to stay balanced. Breaking out of the routine and returning to it to calm our minds again and collect strength for the next trip. So I always refused to feel blue about returning home because that place is also a part of who I am. :)
Although the feeling was tangible with Boyd and Oliver when they came closer and closer to home, I think their greatest adventure started right there! :D
Thank you very, very much for taking us along this awesome and fun trip! I can not wait for the next one. Until then, I catch my breath. :D
Aw, thank you so much, that was an incredibly nice comment! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the post and the novel! <3
DeleteThank you for making this truly enjoyable tour! I really appreciate all the time and work that you put into making each and every stop different and interesting! I hope to read Road Trip soon!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome, I'm really glad you've been enjoying all the stops along the way!
DeleteWhen/if you do get the chance to travel with the boys in 'Road Trip' I'd love to hear what you think of it. <3
Thank you so much for making each and every stop along the tour both interesting and fun to read. I appreciate all the hard work and time involved in making each one personal. I am looking forward to reading Road Trip soon!
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, you are very, very welcome. Thank you! <3