week’s spotlight is for one of my all-time favorite Male/Male Romance
love to give a warm welcome to….
drum roll here!)
Some of the normal stuff before the interview!
Bailey’s Bio:
I am always at a loss over what to
write in regards to myself. I am a mother, grandmother, wife, sister, daughter,
friend, aunt-- and I am an author of erotic gay romances. Over the past years,
I have met the most incredible people online and at GRL. That has to be the
best part of being an author, meeting so many wonderful people.If there's anything in particular you'd like to know about me, just contact me via e-mail at That way I'll spare us all too much rambling:)
My blog isn't showing at the proper spot on here, so here is the address for it. This is an ADULTS ONLY blog, so if you aren't 18 or older, don't pop in.
Bailey is constantly busy writing her books for us, and she currently has 5 series out! Here is the list of the different series she has available!
Southern Spirits
A Subtle Breeze
When The Dead Speak
All of the Voices
Wait Until Dawn
What Remains
Love in Xxchange
Rory’s Last Chance
Miles To Go
What Matters Most
Ex’s And O’s
A Bit of Me
A Bit of You
In My Arms Tonight
Where There’s A Will
Leopard’s Spots
Southwestern Shifters
Mossy Glenn Ranch
Interview Time!!!
The Serious:
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
There’s not a lot to tell. I’m a home body who spends
most of my time writing, reading, and enjoying my family and friends.
When did you first start writing and when did you finish
your first book?
June of 2009, and it was about two weeks, I think.
What was your muse?
Hey, you kind of have some of the
questions I’d ask myself! My muse was wanting to write a story I loved, in a
genre I love.
What are you goals as a writer?
To be happy, and hopefully make a few
other people happy with a story or two that eases their minds of worries and
lets them just relax and enjoy.
What is your writing routine?
I wake up, which takes hours, by the
way, then I write. No music or distractions because I do have ADD and can’t
concentrate if there’s something going on around me.
Which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?
It depends, it’s happened both ways.
How many books do you have published right now?
36, or 37. I don’t keep count, really, because I write
for enjoyment.
How many different series do you have?
5, right now.
How did you come up with the different names for the
Usually, in a fit of desperation,
something pops up that I like.
How did you come up with the titles to your series?
At first the DH helped, then sometimes
it’s reader input, or just titles I like. I like alliteration, and I like
patterns. All of the Southern Spirits books have a pattern in their title, or
rather, their titles make up a pattern.
I know that you have written both paranormal and
non-paranormal, out of the two, which is easier for you to write?
Honestly, it depends on the book, the
plot, and the characters.
Which do you have more fun writing?
All. There is no preference.
On your blog, you have a story going on that you post
installments for a few times a week.
What started you on doing that?
I wanted to offer readers something for
free, and I really enjoy writing the installments. There is less worrying I
suppose, because there’s not a deadline and I can just go with it and see where we end up.
Is that a completely different series than what you have
How do you market your work? What avenues have you found
to work best for your genre?
TEB has a great marketing team, which is good because I
suck at marketing. I generally post releases and blurs, excerpts, on the blog,
FB, and now, Twitter. That’s about it.
Can you tell us about your upcoming books?
I have several
upcoming books in the Mossy Glenn Ranch series and Leopard's Spots. There
should be one new release a month from here on out. The most up to date info is
Right now Revenge, the latests Southwestern Shifters book is out, and Ropes and Dreams, the 2nd Mossy Glenn Ranch book.
has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the
best compliment?
I don't let either
criticism or compliments get to me. I do appreciate both, but I've seen too
many people crumble over criticism or get a massive ego from the compliments. I
am able to compartmentalize both, so I really couldn't specify. I do love
hearing from readers. I have met the best people online, so loving and funny.
Many days someone has sent me a little email or FB message that has just made
my entire day better.
What genre of books do you like to read? Do you limit
yourself to only the genre that you write?
I read a little of everything.
What was the hardest part to write in the book(s)?
This just depends on the book, the
plot, the characters. Ending a series, writing that last book for it, is the
hardest thing to do in regards to writing, IMO.
What was your life like before becoming an author?
It was still a good life. :D
What advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer?
Keep writing, have a thick skin, don't take
criticism of your work personally, take it as advice to help you improve, and
remember there are some people out there who like to be cruel. Don't be one of
them, and don't let them get to you. Have faith in yourself, and ask friends to
give you honest opinions and suggestions about your work. Find a good beta
reader, they are invaluable. Most of all, enjoy it. Writing can be stressful,
but enjoy your characters and the story you're telling.
What is the most demeaning thing said about you as a
No idea, and I don’t care to know.
There is a difference between demeaning and constructive criticism.
How do you react to a bad review of one of your books?
I don't.
The Fun!!!
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily
schedule, what would it be and why?
Sleep, if I could just not need it.
I’ve always been like that fussy baby who doesn’t want to go to sleep and miss
Name one funny trait you have, that you would like others
to know.
What's your pet peeve? Oh hell, I don’t have enough time
to list them all!
Rudeness. If I have to pick one, it
would be that, and it really encompasses a lot of things.
What internet site do you surf to the most?
FB or my blog. No, I check the news sites multiple times a
day, too.
What is your favorite dessert?
Chocolate ____ just as long as it has
chocolate in front of it. I’m good.
If you can be a Disney character, who would you be and
What is your very favorite part of your day?
Seeing Elijah come running at me,
smiling and reaching for me.
You win a million dollars, but you have to give half to a
charity. Which charity do you pick, and what do you do with the rest of the
Ah, I’ve had this one before I’d start
a homeless LGBTQ youth center in San Antonio, and I don’t know what I’d do with
the rest. I’m not a money-person. It’s just a thing, though it is nice to be
able to pay the bills.
What is the wallpaper on your computer?
The Indian ruins we walked in New
Name 2 things you consider yourself to be very good
Eating chocolate and avoiding the
Name 2 things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Avoiding chocolate and making up good
excuses for avoiding the treadmill.
What did you want to be when you grew up?

If you could change one thing in the world, in the blink
of an eye, what would it be?
Remove hate from the world. That’d fix
What's the most blatant lie you've ever told?
I’m not telling :D
If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for
anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you
To stay on my planet.
Do you go out of your way to kill bugs? Are there any
that make you screech and hide?
I don’t, actually. I don’t like killing anything, even bugs, but I will do it. Flies especially. But I don’t hunt them down with a little fly spear gun or anything. Much.
What is one question that you are never asked in
This question.
What is one question that you are always asked in
Well, lately it’s been the donate money one. I’m good
with just about any questions.
If you were interviewing yourself, what are the top 3
questions you would ask yourself?
Um. I really don’t know. Maybe, what is your happiest
What are your writing plans in the future (specific time
period or not)?
What motivates you every day?
Exercise or Bubble Bath?
Bubble Bath and a glass of wine.
Favorite Color?
Camping or Hotel?
Dogs or Cats?
Favorite Song?
Favorite Movie?
Not a big movie watcher, but for the
sheer entertainment of it, I love Practical Magic.
Favorite Car?
One with cold AC.
Is there anything that you would like to say to your
readers and fans?
Thank you.

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