• Former D.I.R.E. Enemy Agent
• Mongolian Prison Survivor
• Magnetism
Sent to a Mongolian prison against his will, former enemy agent Riordan St. James is suddenly back in civilization. With his hands crushed, and littered with scars, he trusts no one. When he accepts D.I.R.E.’s prosthetic hands to operate a future, super power enhancement, Riordan knows their offer comes with a price - he just isn’t sure he wants to pay.
After an affair with a client turns deadly, psychologist and senator’s daughter Natalie Meeks, doesn’t trust her own judgment. When she’s hired to help Riordan adjust to civilization again, she finds herself in familiar, forbidden territory – battling a fiery attraction to her client.
One heated encounter with the elegant Dr. Meeks convinces Riordan to abide by D.I.R.E.’s bargain. However, when new evidence about his disappearance uncovers shocking secrets, he questions not only his decision, but the people around him – including his sexy-as-hell doctor.
While their lives become more entangled, yet pulled apart, a madman turns up the heat on his plans for Natalie. And the only person she can trust is the one man that doesn’t trust her…
• Former D.I.R.E. Enemy Agent
• Mongolian Prison Survivor
• Magnetism
Sent to a Mongolian prison against his will, former enemy agent Riordan St. James is suddenly back in civilization. With his hands crushed, and littered with scars, he trusts no one. When he accepts D.I.R.E.’s prosthetic hands to operate a future, super power enhancement, Riordan knows their offer comes with a price - he just isn’t sure he wants to pay.
After an affair with a client turns deadly, psychologist and senator’s daughter Natalie Meeks, doesn’t trust her own judgment. When she’s hired to help Riordan adjust to civilization again, she finds herself in familiar, forbidden territory – battling a fiery attraction to her client.
One heated encounter with the elegant Dr. Meeks convinces Riordan to abide by D.I.R.E.’s bargain. However, when new evidence about his disappearance uncovers shocking secrets, he questions not only his decision, but the people around him – including his sexy-as-hell doctor.
While their lives become more entangled, yet pulled apart, a madman turns up the heat on his plans for Natalie. And the only person she can trust is the one man that doesn’t trust her…
I’ve been a fan
of this series when I found it by total fluke one day. It has an amazing twist
of sci-fi, romance, suspense, action, and drama. Now honestly, it has been
quite a long time since I read the other books in the series so I was a bit
worried that I would be confused because it does have a bit of a complex
storyline. I was so happy when I started reading it though because I was still
able to follow along with the story amazingly well.
While this is the
4th book in the series, I don’t think that you really need to read
the other books to fully grasp what it is the D.I.R.E. agency does because Ms. Hahn
does a great job explaining everything about it, without going into so much detail
that if you have read the others you would be upset. I liked how the previous
characters were brought back into this book so we were able to catch up with
them and how they are doing.
I have to say
though that I really do believe Riordan has become a new book boyfriend of mine
just because he has an amazing strength about him. He has been through hell,
yet he is still able to keep moving forward with his life. With the special ability
that he has now, I thought that was just amazing! I really wish that I had that
ability just because it is insanely awesome what he is able to do.
Natalie’s character
was one that I have mixed emotions about. While I did like her, at the same
time I wasn’t really sure what I really thought about her! She has her strong
points, but at the same time I wonder how someone can be as… slow as she is at
Overall though, I
completely loved this next part of the series and I really can’t wait for the
next book to be released!
Hanging his head, he turned to face her with a cocked brow.
“Really? You’re going full-on doctor on me? Is this where I lie down on one of
the loungers and tell you my troubles?”
She matched his cocked brow. “If I didn’t know better, I’d
think you were ridiculing my profession.”
He held up his hands in feigned innocence. “Not me.”
Lifting a shoulder, she said, “Mitchell is paying me the
big bucks to be a full-on doctor,
Riordan. If you want to lie down, please do.”
His gaze dropped to her breasts before a smirk crossed his
features. “Care to join me?”
Been there, done that.
And, it had ruined her life on so many levels.
She tilted her head. “What do you hope to gain with that
question, Riordan? Outrage? Shock...?”
His deep, gravelly voice shot a wave of gooseflesh over her
skin. Why did her body scream God, yes,
while her brain told her beware men bearing barbaric sex appeal? Rough,
arrogant, long-haired men were not an everyday occurrence for her. This one
oozed animal magnetism through every tanned pore of his scarred skin.
She sighed. “Riordan, let’s keep things profess-”
His soft chuckle stopped her mid-speech. “When I first saw
you, I thought that’s why Mitchell brought you here.”
Stilling, she stared at him, hoping sand wouldn’t blow in
her mouth. “Are you implying that I look like a-“
This time, he stared straight into her eyes, his dark with
appreciation. Her body tingled in places she hadn’t realized were still around,
his smile rueful.
“No, but I thought that could be the only reason Mitchell
would bring a woman to me. He knows I’ve been without a long time. You’re just
not my type.”
What a complete and
total Neanderthal. “Nor are you mine.”
With a shake of his head, he looked down at the water
again. “Hell, I could see that right off.”
Something in his soft tone told her more stood behind that
statement than the obvious. He considered himself beneath her. Growing up in
the ranks of high society, Natalie abhorred pretentiousness. She’d been scolded
a few times herself for speaking her mind in front of high-ranking officials.
In her eyes, equality ran across the board, regardless of
social class or ethnicity. In Riordan’s case, they were just… different.
Regardless, she’d gained no headway traveling down this
road. She needed to find some camaraderie.
Pulling off her college ring, she held it between her thumb
and forefinger. “May I? It’s made of nickel.”
Glancing at her, his gaze dropped to the ring before
returning to her face. “You’re proposing? I’m not a virgin so you don’t have to
marry me to get me on that lounger.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Wow, that was so… not original, St. James. Did you spend the last three years coming
up with that?”
He laughed outright, the sound echoing off the cavernous
canopy. Natalie couldn’t contain her grin. Laughter looked darned good on him.
“May I?” she said again.
His sober gaze studied her. Did he fear her touch, or the
idea of going against his preconceived notion?
Probably both. “I promise I don’t bite.”
Rather than the smart remark she expected, he gave a brief
With tentative movements, Natalie reached for his now dry
hand. He felt warm to the touch, raw strength emanating from his artificial
bones and rough flesh. He had capable hands, limbs that were just an extension
of the man himself. Natalie had a feeling he could be enlisted to perform any
task and would eagerly face it head on. When it came to dares, the word no would never enter his vocabulary.
If she ever went on one of those survival shows, Natalie
wanted Riordan St. James with her.
Holding his hand, she set the ring upright on top before
slowly moving away. It stood erect, just shy of his knuckles.
She felt her smile grow of its own volition. “You do have magnetic hands.”
His sky blue gaze roamed over her face. She felt heat bloom
in her cheeks.
“I do. Once my enhancements are complete, my pull will be
more powerful. I’ll have to control it with my brain.”
Cocking her head, she said, “And, you’re okay with that?
With someone altering your body that way?”
He graced her with another bright smile. She took a deep
breath and let it out.
“To be the only man in the world with the ability to
attract and repel objects with his hands? To be one of The D.I.R.E. Agency’s super agents? Damn straight, I’m okay with
The man knew what he wanted when it came to his career. It
didn’t sound like Riordan had made a forced decision out of some sense of
loyalty to Mitchell. If he lacked self-confidence as Mitchell said, his
assurance proved a step in the right direction.
Clenching his hand into a fist, Riordan watched the ring
tumble into the clear water. No sooner had she gasped than he dropped into the
She waited for him to resurface. When he didn’t show after
long moments, her heart started to pound. “Riordan?”
The water lay calm, gently lapping against the side. “Riordan?”
He sprang from the water like a dolphin at play, his head
popping up between her legs. Gasping, she shoved away from the pool, a foot
braced on the concrete, her dress riding high on her thighs. His beautiful,
pale eyes went from playful to dark as he placed the ring on the ground between
her thighs - just inches from the crotch of her black thong.
She didn’t move.
Her mind swirled with images of him touching her there,
slipping a finger under the lace. She could feel her body prepare for an
invasion that could only take place in her mind. Yet, she did nothing to stop
Her legs fell open further. His breath rushed through his
nose. Their gazes held, his dark as sapphires, hers clouded with visions of his
hand on her.
Riordan’s gaze dropped to the hem of her dress. Her breath
caught. Bracing both hands on the edge of the pool, he jumped out of the water,
flinging heavy droplets over her.
Natalie held up her hands to ward off the dousing. What was
she doing? Hadn’t she learned anything with Paul?
Heart pounding against her ribs, she snatched up the ring
and shot to her feet. She grabbed her shoes.
“Natalie.” He grabbed her arm with a wet hand.
She flung it away.
Rushing to the fitness room door, she had to find Mitchell.
She couldn’t do this.
“Meeks.” Riordan
came up behind her.
Hurry, Natalie…
She grabbed the door handle just as Mitchell shoved it open
from the inside. He glanced at her with narrowed eyes before turning to Riordan
who stood beside her.
“I’m sorry, Mitchell, but you’ll have to get someone else.”
Mitchell’s thunderous gaze shot to Riordan, who crossed his
arms over his chest.
“We’re up a creek then, Mitchell…” Riordan pointed at her
with his thumb. “…because I’ll only work with her.”

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