10 April 2013

The Dom's Dungeon, By Cherise Sinclair


          Deciding it’s time to start her life over, MacKensie takes part in a house swap so she can check out the job opportunities in a different city.  What she hadn’t expected was the house she would be staying at to be a mansion.  Unable to stop her curiosity, she begins to explore the house, only to discover the “red button” of the house, a locked door. 

          After a bad morning, Alex returns to his home early to find that MacKensie has found the locked door, and helped herself into it.  Acting on his impulses, he confronts her, only to find out that she is as interested as he is.  Entering an agreement, Alex and MacKensie both find a middle ground to help them both with their problems.

          I really enjoyed reading this book because yes, there is a BDSM aspect to it; however it doesn’t overtake the book like with some stories.  Cherise was able to pull me into this story and keep me wanting more.  I enjoyed how she was able to shine light onto MacKensie’s past, yet it wasn’t overbearing either.  She said just enough so you could understand what had happened to her, without making it the highlight of the story.

          I liked how she started the book out with MacKensie snooping around the house, because to be honest, everyone would have done that!  I think that Alex’s character development was great because he was overbearing, but not to an extreme.  He was able to show MacKensie that she could have what she wanted, yet not torture her at all.

          Overall I would give this book a 4 stars, I thought it was well written, the characters were well developed, but I wish the story would have went on longer!! This was one of the few books that I have read where I wanted to find out more of their story!

This book is currently $6.00 US Dollars on Amazon

To purchase your own copy of this book, just click the picture above and it will take you directly to the US Amazon page to buy your own!


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