24 May 2013

Yes, Forever By Bailey Bradford

**This book contains M/M romance**

 Yes, Forever Part Three
From zero to sixty in record time—well, it’s really from no man to two in a matter of days, and it’s got John’s world turned upside down!

Confused and angry, John goes home after an odd encounter with an older man. He’s pretty sure he didn’t like it, exactly. Maybe. Benji seems to have moved on, and John knows he should too, but he can’t stop thinking about the contradictory man.

Finding another note from Benji doesn’t help. John knows he’s made mistakes, and he’s learning that he has been lying to himself for years. Slowly, he realises there are things he has to admit, and change.

First, though, he has to talk to Benji. John won’t have any peace until he and Benji make some sort of peace. If his heart is telling him he truly wants something more, John doesn’t see how that can work, not when Benji makes it clear he’s interested, but only in a part of John.

But John can’t give up, something about Benji calls to him like no one else ever has.

                I have to say, I was really happy that John and Benji were finally able to sit down and talk about what was going on between the two of them.  That was so great for them to do it, they were able to clear the air about the feelings they were both having towards each other.  I completely agree with what Henry was explaining to John, that he needs to find his happy medium.

                I don’t completely agree with the relationship that John and Benji agreed upon, but I am completely holding out hope that they will realize they belong together!

                This is another great short in the series by Bailey and I can’t wait to find out what happens next!  Bailey seems to have the ability to end things right when they start getting good, and leave you wanting for more!

This book is currently $0.99 US Dollars on Amazon.

 Yes, Forever Part Four
 Depression grabs John by the ankles, and Benji’s hot and cold turns are driving John deeper into hopelessness.

John and Benji begin a strictly sexual relationship. Benji is calling the shots, and John knows if he wants any of Benji at all, he has to follow along docilely.

Except his mood plummets, and when it doesn’t seem to improve any, and after he makes a series of mistakes at work, John has to face the fact that he might be having a recurrence of depression.

An ass chewing by his boss and one psychiatrist’s visit later, John has his diagnosis and a prescription for new medication to help him out. There is no easy cure, he knows that, but he won’t turn down the help the medicine can give him.

A steamy, powerful encounter between John and Benji changes things between them, and Benji is going to cut him off and run, John knows it. He’s not going to give the man up so easily, though, not now that he’s found one of the things that makes Benji tick…

                I completely completely completely was caught off guard with this book, in a great way!  I really liked the fact that in this book, we learned more about John’s depression.  In the first 3 books, we knew that he suffered from depression, but that was it.  In this part of the series, we found out more of what he is dealing with.

                I also liked how when it came to his and Benji’s relationship, John was able to take a step back and try to figure out what he wanted.  John’s ability to take control and show Benji what it was he wanted, was amazingly written.  There were just enough details that it was great to read, and leave you wanting for more.

                Once again Bailey has captivated me and I can’t wait to find out what happens between John and Benji.

 This book is currently $0.99 US Dollars on Amazon.

To purchase your own copy of this book, just click the picture above and it will take you directly to the US Amazon page to buy your own!


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