Garrick Taylor and
Bliss Edwards managed to find their happily-ever-after despite a rather . . .
ahem . . . complicated start. By comparison, meeting the parents should be an
absolute breeze, right?
But from the moment
the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving
mother-in-law-to-be, more than one (mostly) minor mishap, and the realization
that perhaps they aren't quite as ready for their future as they thought.
As it turns out, the
only thing harder than finding love is keeping it.
Since I loved “Losing It”, I naturally wanted more of Garrick and Bliss. I really liked being able to see where they were in the future, and to see how their relationship had grown. Bliss is still adorable and endearing, and Garrick is still hot and British, so no worries on that front. And Cora’s writing is still just as laugh out loud funny as ever.
Seriously, there were some gems in this one. Here are some of my favorites:
“When I saw her name on the caller ID, it was like seeing the Dark Mark hovering above my apartment” (Bliss, talking about her future mother-in-law)
“You would think that I’d be a bit more comfortable talking about sex, now that I’d had it and all. You would also think that at my age I would be able to successfully insert the straw into a Capri Sun juice pouch. I was 0-2 there.” (Bliss)
Cora just has such a great literary voice; she creates characters that were funny and engaging. Even though this was a novella, around 110 pages, it didn’t feel like it. The story really takes you on a journey with Garrick and Bliss, and I personally loved every minute of it. If you’re a fan of the series, don’t miss out on this one. If you haven’t read the series yet, then what are you waiting for? This is a 4.5 star read for me!

Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.
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