08 December 2013

Captive, By A.D. Robertson

The first adult novel set in the world of the New York Times bestselling Nightshade series, Captive delivers a steamy, forbidden romance between sworn enemies drawn together by an irrepressible desire.
Twenty-five-year-old Tristan Doran enjoys a life of incredible power and privilege. As a direct descendant of the Keepers—witches who have embraced dark magic—he defers to no one but his overlord, Lord Bosque Mar. For most of his life, Tristan has been kept out of the centuries-old Witches War, his bloodline too valuable to risk in battle.
But when a beautiful, young human Searcher named Sarah is captured and made a prisoner in his Irish castle, Tristan’s infatuation with her flings him headlong into the fray. Captive and captor, unable to contain their longing, embark on a passionate, forbidden romance together—only to learn that their love is at the heart of a prophecy predicting the downfall of the Keepers’ ages-old reign.
Captive explores the darker side of the richly imagined Nightshade universe, a fantasy world of powerful dark witches, shape-shifting wolf warriors, and fascinating history. The first of three erotic novels, Captive delves deeply into the fiery, illicit romance of two young lovers whose very desires invite their doom.

When an author usually switches from one genre to another, I have a hard time following the books.  But with this one, I think that this author was able to transition from YA to Adult very well.  She was able to create a world that was described perfectly for the adult crowd, in my opinion.
I believe that the author did a great job when it came to the character development; there was plenty of information and descriptions happening in the story that I was able to visual the characters quite well.  When it comes to the story line itself, I did enjoy everything that was happening throughout the course of the book.  The balance of all the elements in the story was well written, there was enough happening that it kept me turning the pages and wanting to find out what was going to happen next.
I have mixed emotions about who my favorite character is, Sarah was just amazing overall but Tristan completely caught me off guard with how much I enjoyed him.  I think that they both have my favorite character of the book.
I haven’t read the other books in the series, the YA series that came before this, but after reading this book, I will be sure to check them out next!  I personally can’t wait until the next part of the series is released so that I can grab my copy of that!

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C1N953M/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00C1N953M&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/captive-a-d-robertson/1114924477?ean=9780698138339&itm=1&usri=captive+ad+robertson     https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-captive-1318586-143.html?referrer=52378e08e5757


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