31 January 2014

Firecracker on Target by Megan Flint

Trixie Harridan is slapped with the realization that Cy has fallen in love with her.

Still reeling from the discovery, Trixie agrees to a duke it out with Vanessa in a boxing match, but the blonde taunts her into a private wager on the side. If Trixie loses, Vanessa gets a turn with Cy.

The odds suddenly look bad for Trixie when it's revealed that Vanessa used to box professionally. Not only that, but Erik's strict training schedule comes with a catch. No sex before the fight.

It's all on the line for Trixie and forced abstinence isn't doing her any favors. If she doesn't release soon, there's no telling how explosively the fight will end.

Category: Erotic romance.

Length: 25,700 words or 103 book pages long.

Naughty Scale: Steamy male/female oral foreplay and brassy undaunted sex. If you aren't 18 years old yet, avert your prying eyes. Or go ahead and look. I can't stop you.

I’ve read all the Firecracker books, and with this being the last one in the series I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Every time I have had thoughts about a book, the author just takes the story to a complete left field.
With the way the last book in the series ended, you are really left wondering what is going on.  There were a few things that I was left wondering about.  And trying to figure out why they happened the way that they did.  But overall I did still enjoy the story.  I think that with this being the last one, the author did a really good job at ending the series.
When it comes to the smut factor in this book it was done extremely well.  But then again, when it comes to the smut in all her books she does it to an amazing level. 
If you’re looking for a smutty read, then this series is one that you will really want to check into because the whole series is filled with smut but it’s done in an extremely artistic way.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HB70JPQ/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00HB70JPQ&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/firecracker-on-target-firecracker-5-megan-flint/1118041796?ean=2940148201830&itm=1&usri=firecracker+on+target
Click HERE to read Crystal Marie's review of Firecracker in Heat!
Click HERE to read Crystal Marie's Review of Firecracker Gone Astray!
Click HERE to read Crystal Marie's review of Firecracker Under Pressure!
Click HERE to read Crystal Marie's review of Firecracker Takes Aim! 


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