10 February 2014

Caleo by James Crawford

 Every High School has their social outcasts. The band nerds, the math geeks, the chess club, the girl that chews her hair, but at Butler High, even the creepy nose picker in the chess club is more popular than Caleo Anima. No matter what he did, his pale skin, snow white hair, and piercing blue eyes always made him an easy target. He used to think that the only way things could get worse would be if someone found out that he was gay, but that isn't even the tip of the iceberg of problems after a mysterious stranger shows up and changes Caleo’s life forever.

Hidden amongst our society, a secret and magical race of people known as ‘Leeches’, have been engaging in civil war for decades. Both sides are desperately searching for a weapon with unlimited power that will give them the advantage they need to rule their world. This wouldn’t mean anything to Caleo, except for one problem...He is that weapon!

Forget making it through High School. Caleo has bigger problems! As the search for him goes on, the world is quickly crumbling around him. He's now fighting for his life and the life of what little family he has left. With the help of new friends, he has little time to try and master his newly found powers as he tries to figure out who he can trust, who is trying to use him, and who just wants him dead. One wrong step and being the awkward pale outcast will be the least of his worries.

I will start off with the beautiful cover as I am drawn to them and the cover for Caleo was so well done, one of the best covers I have seen! Caleo Anima is not a very popular seventeen year old student by any means. Even the major school outcasts are more popular than he is. His white hair, piercing blue eyes and his very pale skin make him stand out almost instantly and didn't help him when he became the target of other students. He always thought that if they found out he was gay then that would make it even worse for him but nothing is compared to his problems when a stranger shows up and forever alters Caleo's life! Now come out The Leeches, a magical group of people that have been in secret for decades. They are in desperate search of a weapon to rule the world and what Caleo doesn't yet know is that he is the weapon.

Caleo was orphaned as a baby and raised by his grandmother along with other orphaned kids and his best friend is his brother, not his biological sibling. He has hidden his sexuality from everyone as he feels he has enough problems and doesn't want to add to them as he fears it would be the end of his life as he knows it to be. That is until he finds out the truth about who really Caleo is. What really moved me about this novel was the extreme bullying and violence as James wrote it so realistically and truthfully done. It was difficult at times but did not stop me from wanting to read this incredible story of his. James kept my curiosity and interest peaked throughout the entire book by all of the twist and turns which I just loved. The only and I mean only, small issue was that it was a tad slow at the beginning but when it took off there was no stopping James from writing such an incredibly beautiful and detailed story! The ending had a big cliff-hanger and some unanswered questions so I know there will be a second book and I can't wait to get into that one! It will answer more questions and continue with the fascinating and loveable character of Caleo plus we want to see what becomes of Jack and Nolan! 

I highly recommend this beautiful and paranormal book Caleo by James Crawford! If you want to read about acceptance, love, hateful people, leeches and powerful friendships then this is a must read for you!

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004YQVF96/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B004YQVF96&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20     http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/caleo-james-crawford/1100546461?ean=9781481939904&itm=1&usri=james+crawford


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