23 March 2014

Jelly Bean Kisses by Amy Evans

First love is the sweetest....

Jax and Jacey are everyone's favorite couple, even though they've barely ever kissed.

In kindergarten, Jax pulled out a chair for Jacey and swept the play dough off so that she would sit down next to him and he's been carving out ways for them to stick together ever since. Though everyone in their conservative, small beach town sees them as a couple, they're not, exactly. Because while they both want more, they've agreed to wait.

Jacey works hard, respects her elders and follows every spoken and silent rule about fitting in and doing the ‘right’ thing. She doesn't dare give the gossips more fodder from her family, so she's kept Jax firmly in the friendzone. It takes a hurricane for her to realize timing is everything, but months later she’s still too afraid to put her heart on the line and tell him how she feels. Then plans change – hers for summer and his for college, and Jacey needs to make the most of the time she and Jax have left, or stay stuck in the land of missed beginnings forever.

This is a book intended for a young adult. It encounters a very special situation between two teens finding the path to love.
 Jacey and Jax are 2 teens that have grown together to become best friends. Jacey lives in the shadow of her sister Lola's mistakes and does not want to repeat them. After making everyone believe that they are boyfriend and girlfriend Jax is ready to take the next step, but Jacey isn't. How does one love without falling in to temptation?

This was a nice short story a little confusing at times as it goes back and forth between past and present. 3 star review for me on this one.
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/jellybean-kisses-amy-evans/1118631592?ean=2940148287759&itm=1&usri=amy+evans     http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IGB0Y60/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00IGB0Y60&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20   


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