28 April 2014

Craving's Chinook by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Captain Rynlyn Rede has reached the lowest point in his life. He has lost his best friend to a brutal attack and the guilt of surviving is taking its toll on the warrior. In a moment of weakness, he walks aboard the Chinook, one of three Academy-run pleasure ships used for R & R. The Rest and Relaxation for which Ryn was searching for in the arms of the ships most sought after courtesan was aimed more at easing his unbearable sorrow than satisfying his long-ignored desires.

Tessa Gervassee is a highly-trained sex provider whose exotic beauty and silken body has captured even an Emperor’s sustained notice. Having spent her entire adult life aboard the ‘flying cathouses’ as the pleasure ships are called she has learned how to satiate even the most jaded warrior’s appetites. When she sits down at Rynlyn Rede’s table her psychic senses tell her more about the man with whom she is destined to spend the night than she could have ever imagined.

In the limitless expanse of the Windverse™, Rynlyn and Tessa discover raging passion among the stars and form an enduring alliance that not even death can sever.

I don’t usually enjoy sci-fi type books, but a friend of mine recommended that I read this book so I just had to read it. And I can say now that I am happy that I did read it.

What I did enjoy about the book:
·         ****I liked how the characters each had their own personalities and they played off of each other quite well.
·         ****I enjoyed the way that the author described what was happening in the book. I think that she did a great job as describing things to where it wasn’t too detailed, yet it wasn’t vague either.
·         ****The characters were all extremely well written, Rynlyn’s character was just amazing. I felt horrible for him in the beginning, but as the story progressed, it ended up to where I liked his character so much. Tessa’s character was a bit confusing for me to start. I wasn’t really sure what she was exactly, but I did end up still liking her.

What I didn’t enjoy about the book:
·         ****While this is a standalone, and I read it as such, I was still a bit confused about some of the characters that were mentioned in the story, as well as the relationships between characters. I feel as though if I would have read the other books, that I would have had a better understanding of what was happening.
·         ****There were some points where I felt like the story had dragged on, and I found myself almost skimming them.
·         ****I don’t really enjoy insta-love books, and even taking into account that Rynlyn is not human, it still upset me a bit the instant relationship that he jumped into with Tessa.

Overall, I did end up enjoying the story and I will hopefully have the chance to read the other books in the series at some point in the future.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0030CMLNY/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0030CMLNY&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20   http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cravings-chinook-charlotte-boyett-compo/1101731869?ean=9781419916670&itm=1&usri=craving%27s+chinook   https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-craving039schinookwindversebookseven-444128-340.html?referrer=52378e08e5757

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the review, Crystal Marie. I hope you will read the other books as well.
