14 April 2014

Love TKO by Selene Chardou

 An Irish Mixed Martial Artist who is fighting for the UFC Championship in Las Vegas.

A beautiful hustler who is counting the clock down to her twenty-eighth birthday when she can finally retire and enjoy her life.

A chance encounter that changes both of their lives forever.

“I can’t allow what I feel for him to stop me from seeing the end goal. I never wanted this to be my life and in six months, it no longer will be.

“But there is something about Torin Duffy that makes my heart race, and creates a shortness of breath I have never felt in my life.

“I’m jaded; part of me feels like I am unlovable but when I am with him, he makes me feel wanted, needed, protected and it’s a slow burn that is leisurely turning me inside out and my emotions upside down.

“We both know how dangerous this is but nothing can stop the hurricane of emotions we make each other feel, and his touch is so dangerous, I know he could leave me broken beyond repair.

“How do we stop something that can destroy us both? Why should he risk what he’s wanted his whole life over me?

“We both know where this is leading but how can we stop it when it’s too late to turn back now?” - Chiara Bassi

Pretty Woman it ain’t … but I’ll take Torin Duffy over Richard Gere every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Torin is an Irish immigrant who has risen the ranks in Vegas’s legal MMA fighting league. Due to his success, good looks, and personal belief that his messed up childhood means he can’t have a healthy relationship, he is, in the author’s words, a man-whore. But his personal position on relationships gets thrown out the window when he meets Chiara. Chiara comes from an equally messed up childhood. Her mother was a whore (prostitution is legal in Nevada) who got lucky and married a rich client. However, when her mother married, she dumped Chiara’s older sister Sienna in her lap and left Chiara to deal with her sister’s mental health issues. As Chiara was only 18 when this happened and had very few options available when it came to paying for her sister’s care, she went to her mother’s former boss and followed in her mother’s footsteps.

Fast-forward ten years and we find ourselves at the party where Torin and Chiara meet and their relationship begins. Neither of them ever believed they would meet someone to love and who would love them, they didn’t believe that person existed … at least not for them. Yet when they met, neither of them could ignore that magical pull and what starts out as a night of REALLY hot sex quickly turns into more. In case you’re wondering, Ms. Chardou can write some seriously hot sex scenes that can make you appreciate the athletic male body. Their relationship progresses quickly and find themselves at the mercy of Chiara’s boss; because I like my reviews spoiler-free, that’s as much as I’ll say about that.

As Torin is an MMA fighter, there is plenty of action, hot sex, and love that made Love TKO a really good read for me. This is a well-crafted book about two broken people falling in love and I am looking forward to reading more of Ms. Chardou’s novels – especially the sequel about Torin’s brother Kieran … I can’t wait!
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ILN9PWM/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00ILN9PWM&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-tko-selene-chardou/1118731896?ean=2940148329459&itm=1&usri=love+tko
Selene Chardou is a world traveler and the alter-ego of Elle Chardou.
Ms. Chardou’s writing is all about hot romance and exciting times with the wild, damaged, out of control and/or rich and famous set in the New Adult realm.
She is currently working on The Will to Love, the second novel in the Scarlet Fever Series, which chronicles the relationship of Will Cullen and Laurel Munsen. She is also working on Deadly Seduction, the first novel in The Rough Riders series, which chronicles the issues between three Motorcycle Clubs, and various criminal elements in the tri-city area of Reno, Lake Tahoe and Carson City in Northern Nevada.
Ms. Chardou has lived abroad in Stockholm (Sweden), Manchester (England), Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Portland. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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