21 May 2014

The Golden Locket by Primula Bond

 Temptation would test them…

The second novel in the Unbreakable Trilogy, The Golden Locket follows Gustav and Serena to New York.

Ensconced in their Manhattan penthouse, all seems blissfully happy for Gustav and Serena. Still in the first flush of love, they have every satisfaction they could need.

But as they enjoy their New York pleasure ground, ghosts start to emerge from Gustav’s past, and when his damaged younger brother, Pierre, comes back into his life, he brings with him a dangerous threat…

With temptation waiting at every turn, can Gustav and Serena survive all the excitement that the Big Apple holds?

The sexy sequel to Primula Bond’s Sunday Times Top 20 bestseller, The Silver Chain. Perfect for fans of erotic romance.

This series is one that I really have complete mixed emotions about. But for some reason, I can’t stop reading it.

The things that I did enjoy about the book:
* There is tons of drama and suspense that happened in this part of the trilogy. With the twists that you learn about Gustav’s past, it just adds that much more to the story.
* The characters were really well written. I did like how Serena started to grow more in this book. You get to see how she learns to stand on her own and try to make a name for herself outside of Gustav’s shadow.
* The sex scenes that take place during the course of the book were really well written, and there is a few of them that are what you wouldn’t expect to read about when it comes to this book.

The things I didn’t enjoy about the book:
* I didn’t understand the author’s obsession with animals, and comparing the characters to animals. Some examples of that are, “…as he lifted my naked body, glistening like a seal.” “…runs his tongue up me like a large black cat..”  “…she’s wriggling about on top of him like an eel.” And there are quite a few other sentences like that in the book. To me, those drew me away from the scenes because I started picturing the animals she was talking about.
* The parts that involved Pierre were a bit predictable to me personally. So those didn’t catch me off guard at all.
Overall, like I said before, I have no clue what it is about this series, but I can’t seem to stop reading it. I will be reading the final book in the series because I can’t wait to find out what happens between Serena and Gustav.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DTL0U34/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00DTL0U34&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20     http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-golden-locket-primula-bond/1115947313?ean=9780007539789&itm=1&usri=the+golden+locket    https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thegoldenlocketunbreakabletrilogybook2-1340001-149.html?referrer=52378e08e5757


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