21 May 2014

Grimm Consequences by Kate Serine

 You reap what you sow...

Saying Nate Grimm has a dark past is an understatement. Fortunately, no one's bothered to look too closely at the Fairytale Management Authority's lead detective and part-time Reaper. And that's the way Nate wants to keep it. For after centuries of torment and loneliness, he's finally found happiness with the hot and hard-charging love of his life, Tess "Red" Little.

Of course, his love for Tess is the reason there's a posse of Reaper judges after him, led by a sadistic bastard acquainted with Nate from once upon a time. Now, Tess will pay the price for Nate's transgressions unless Nate severs his ties to the transplanted Tales--and Tess--forever. His enemy has the advantage in speed, malice and brutality. But the Reapers have underestimated the depth of Nate's love and devotion. And the fury of his wrath. . .

I really enjoyed this book because it gave us the backstory to Nate and Red’s relationship. It was really fun to read about how they actually met, and what had happened during their time between then and now. Also it was interesting to see what was happening between the two of them since they started their relationship.
With how short this story was, I was pleasantly surprised with how much action and suspense there was to the point where your left wondering what is going to happen next. I do believe that this was a really great short that can either help tide you over for the author’s upcoming release or it will drive you crazy, like for me, waiting to find out what will happen in the next book.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FY54N4U/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00FY54N4U&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20   http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/grimm-consequences-kate-serine/1117238138?ean=9781601832498&itm=1&usri=grimm+consequences     https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-grimmconsequences-1448895-140.html?referrer=52378e08e5757


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