Her writings are not beautiful and perfect love, but there most certainly is love in each story. They are filled with hot and steamy scenes, and they do have fun banter mixed with real life situations.
Some quotes to describe her books:
"I absolutely loved this book. I was hooked from the very first page."
"April's writing lures you in and makes you feel as if you are one of the characters with in the book."
Who in your personal life
was the biggest supporter of your writing?
I'd have to say my family for putting up with my crazy. I also had two of my girls Mandy and Joanna who read both books about 5 chapters at a time just to assure me readers would love the story.
Do you prefer quiet or background noise when writing? If background noise, what?
I'd have to say my family for putting up with my crazy. I also had two of my girls Mandy and Joanna who read both books about 5 chapters at a time just to assure me readers would love the story.
Do you prefer quiet or background noise when writing? If background noise, what?
It's a BAD habit when you have a hubs
and two boys... But I prefer quiet.
What is one thing you wish your readers could understand about the writing process?
What is one thing you wish your readers could understand about the writing process?
For me... I work full time and along
with that have a two hour commute each day. My boys are heavily involved in
sports so for me to fit in managing my Facebook page, twitter and try to write
is a challenge. So I ask for patience. Hehe!
If your characters could come to life and be a real human, which one do you think you would get along with best and which one would drive you crazy first?
LOVE THIS QUESTION! Ok I want to pretend I'm 23 and not married and I soooo want to take Stella's place and be Ty's girl. Lol.
Ty's mom would drive me crazy. I'd punch her face in. Lol
When did you start writing and what was your inspiration?
If your characters could come to life and be a real human, which one do you think you would get along with best and which one would drive you crazy first?
LOVE THIS QUESTION! Ok I want to pretend I'm 23 and not married and I soooo want to take Stella's place and be Ty's girl. Lol.
Ty's mom would drive me crazy. I'd punch her face in. Lol
When did you start writing and what was your inspiration?
I wrote young. I had a teacher love
a story I wrote and I've always been told "I love when you tell
Is there a genre or type of book that you love to read but could never write and if so why?
Is there a genre or type of book that you love to read but could never write and if so why?
Young adult. But I don't think I
could write it. My brain just doesn't work that way and I have way to dirty of
a mouth and mind.
Since you've been writing how much has the genre changed?
Since you've been writing how much has the genre changed?
I've only fully written two books so
I'm still writing New adult and love it! Good, bad?
Seeing more and more authors going the "self-pub' route. Thoughts?
Seeing more and more authors going the "self-pub' route. Thoughts?
It's hard to compete with so many
authors out there. I'm real humble to just be selling books everyday and when I
get a new fan that writes on my wall or posts an amazing review... That makes
me say "this is why I write" I truly just want the readers to love my
characters as much as I do. But I'll be honest... Id love to be "picked
up" by a publishing company.
How much thought do you as an author put into your cover, cover models etc. And has that changed since you started writing. If so, have you or will you go back and re-do covers you’re no longer pleased with?
How much thought do you as an author put into your cover, cover models etc. And has that changed since you started writing. If so, have you or will you go back and re-do covers you’re no longer pleased with?
I still love my covers. I purposely
didn't put a face on my models. What you think is hot and what I think is hot
can be polar opposites. My stepdad is my cover designer. God bless him... I'm
What is the most intense scene you have ever written?
What is the most intense scene you have ever written?
It's at the end of Captured Love
(book 2). I had the scene written 9 months before I got to that part in the
Did you find it difficult writing that scene?
Yes... It's an amazing scene and I
had waited so long. It was difficult because my eyes were filled with tears of
If you could write in any genre that you've never tried, what would it be and why?
If you could write in any genre that you've never tried, what would it be and why?
Paranormal... Because I truly love
to read it.
When thinking about writing any specific genre, what triggers your fears and insecurities the most?
I have always done the whole "what if nobody likes it" thing... But you can't think that way. We all like different things. Not everyone is going to like what I've written. I've been lucky though, the majority of my reviews are very positive.
When writing, what comes first? The characters or the plot?
Characters, definitely.
Do you find that you write what you love to read? Or a different genre?
I love new adult... It's my thing.
Do you ever write your own personal fantasies into your books?
Sure! Ty is my perfect guy. Hot, a mess, sexy, funny, a head case. Love those guys. Lol!
How much if any of your story line comes from real life people or events?
When thinking about writing any specific genre, what triggers your fears and insecurities the most?
I have always done the whole "what if nobody likes it" thing... But you can't think that way. We all like different things. Not everyone is going to like what I've written. I've been lucky though, the majority of my reviews are very positive.
When writing, what comes first? The characters or the plot?
Characters, definitely.
Do you find that you write what you love to read? Or a different genre?
I love new adult... It's my thing.
Do you ever write your own personal fantasies into your books?
Sure! Ty is my perfect guy. Hot, a mess, sexy, funny, a head case. Love those guys. Lol!
How much if any of your story line comes from real life people or events?
I chose where I live, Orlando, FL
because I know it and have never read it in a book.
How many times do you read what you wrote and think "where the hell did that come from?!"
How many times do you read what you wrote and think "where the hell did that come from?!"
YES! I love when I
forget a part or scene and think "That shit is good stuff..." It
makes me very proud of myself.
Do you have to look at the keys when you type?
Do you have to look at the keys when you type?
No... My fingers fly and sometimes
when I go back I'm like "WTF was I trying to say?"
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
1 ton per year.
What are you two favorite 80’s movies?
Sixteen candles and Back to the Future.
So your round ass can fit through.
Insert Stella Avery, who Ty meets through his best friend, and hires as a photography assistant. Stella redefines everything. She won’t settle for a one nighter anymore. She dreams of attraction, friendship and ultimately…love.
It doesn’t take long for Stella and Ty to flow right into friendship. But after one late night out, they both feel exposed, confused and vulnerable. Feelings blossom, but with both of their pasts, can they be anything more than casual?
Mature Adult language/Mature Adult Sexual Content
Stella can’t deal with the hurt and loneliness so she numbs her feelings out with alcohol at every turn. When Ty calls needing a favor, Stella has to decide if she is emotionally ready to lend a hand and find out how they now fit into each other’s world without the sexual side they both enjoyed so much.
Fate has its way with their relationship, and Stella decides to better herself. But, when a professional opportunity arises for Ty, together they have to dig deep and find something neither one is used to giving…Trust.
Stella loves Ty, but how does he truly feel about her? Will these two lost souls finally be truly happy? Will they get their happily ever after, and if so…will it be with each other?
Darla Pullins
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Darla Pullins
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Darla Pullins
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