Well I am lucky enough to have Morgan Jane Mitchell stop by my blog today and share a sneak peek chapter in her new novel, Sanguis City which will be released July 29, 2013!!!
Lets take a minute and get to know the author a little bit!!!
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There are already 2, yes that's right TWO, prequels out for Sanguis City, and here is the information for them!
The Education of Lilanoir Rue

A prequel to Sanguis City(July 2013), the first Short to the Sanguis City series.--- Lilanoir Rue, a side effect of The End of the world, has never had a say in her future until now. A rift between two factions of the Human Reservation is growing and she is offered a life with the man she loves. But nothing is ever normal for Lily, even something as simple as love. Used to being called a monster, Lily meets a real one at the worst possible moment but finds out that he isn't the only one she needs to fear.
This book is currently $0.99 US Dollars on Amazon.
Just click the picture and then 1click your way to your own copy!
My Name is Noir

2nd Prequel to the Paranormal Romance/ Urban Fantasy series Sanguis City - Lilanoir's world has been turned upside down, again, making her flee to the city that she has been avoiding for six long months, the city of blood. Join Lilanoir on her first day in Sanguis City. Life is certainly different than where she grew up on the Human Reservation.
Lily knows that the city is ruled by the Vampires that took over the world but she doesn't know where she fits in, she isn't exactly a vampire. She soon discovers that her fangs are the ticket to the good life. It seems all she has to do is change her name and she can have it all. That is if only Tombs, the University's researcher, would leave her alone.
This book is currently $1.99 US Dollars on Amazon.
Just click the picture and then 1click your way to your own copy!!
The wait is over!! Here's a sneak peek chapter of Sanguis City!!
Ever wonder what happens after the world

In a world gone dead, life has never been so good, for some. While others live in chaos, the chosen call Sanguis City home. The rich and powerful found a way to survive The End and to enjoy every minute of it, for eternity. On the brink of a gruesome death from starvation, disease or a hungry mutant, humans flock to sell their blood for peace.
The city of blood, made for and by vampires welcomes Noir, her kind are in high demand. Neither Human nor Vampire, Bleeders take care of the city in the daylight. Draining humans by day and dating Vampires at night leaves Noir little time to think about her past, or much else, until it finds her.
After three years in the city, Noir's life is finally on the right track. But when she falls for her new Professor, an Authentic Vampire, she also falls into a web of nightmares. Unable to escape painful memories, she uncovers more than her own secrets. Some secrets just won't stay dead and others are bound to kill her before finals week.
A chapter from Sanguis City by Morgan Jane Mitchell
(subject to change upon release)
I dated a few bleeders
and a few vampires in the last three years. All complete mistakes. They weren't
much different than the boys on the human reservation, after they got the prize,
it was all down hill from there. Aubrey was the first vampire I didn't have sex
with immediately. I thought about the Aubrey I had fell for, he hadn't been cold
at all. Being in this city had changed him. I remember seeing him the first day
of General Human Studies class. He was new to the University, I heard that he
transferred from up North. It was if he scanned the whole class for my eyes and
locked on them for the whole lecture. I kept a constant close lipped smile on my
face, obedient and listening. The girl next to me smacked her gum and rocked her
feet checking her nails but I was being watched. After class I tried to file out
of the building in the crowd but I kept hearing my name.
“Noir, hey, isn't that
you?” A random student asked me and I turned around to see the new Professor
calling my name. I halted, nearly causing a dozen others to trip over me.
Embarrassment spread through my face and my cheeks felt hot.
“Noir, is it?” I nodded smiling. “This is a
Senior class, and you are a Junior. Can you explain to me how you made it onto
my roster?” He was calling me out. I gave myself a mental slap. I had imagined
he was attracted to me, he was at least overly friendly during the lecture.
“Keanton, the professor of this class last
year gave me a special permission.” I looked down at my feet briefly and back up
to his pale blue eyes. He wasn't too much taller than me, but I felt like I
needed to look up. “Because he thought I would have something to add,” I
shrugged uncomfortably. I knew I already stuck out like a weed in a rosebush. Of
course, this new professor would know something was
“Meaning?” He prompted as he searched me up
and down, pausing at the neck and the hips and back up. I had seen it a thousand
times, it meant he was checking me out.
fought the urge to cover myself, not that I wasn't used to it by now. “Didn't he
leave a note or something? We applied for schedules last year, I really don't
want to change,” I almost whined.
“That won't be necessary, I am merely
curious,” Aubrey said quickly as he urged me to walk along with him toward the
Curiosity, one of a vampires biggest faults, I thought.
“I grew up on the reserve with humans. The one in North Carolina,
the old Cherokee one,” I explained. “But I don't see why it matters, every
Bleeder here in the city grew up around humans too, they're all over the
“Yes, but humans here pay the price, they
eat what they are told, work were they are told, you take their blood once a
month, a vampire says jump and they say how high,” he spoke over his shoulder as
he escorted the final students out of the huge auditorium. The door closed.
“Yes, I know, the humans that raised me
didn't take shit from anyone. And they really, really don't want to take orders
from vampires,” I said waiting to see his reaction. Some of the vampire
Professors didn't want this spoken of at all, they would dismiss me right away
and I would get a note in my box saying I need to think before I speak or
laughed, “I know now why Keanton wanted your company. Meet me in an hour for
drinks?” He stepped in close with his hands on his hips and looked around like
he didn't have time for this.
back touched the door. I put my books between my chest and him. “Sure. Where?”
“Dante's just off Main, on Fourth Street. Do
you know the place?”
“Yeah, an hour.” Nerves made me, of all
people weak, but I found the strength to push the heavy door open and almost
stumbled into the night.
the hell was I thinking? Clair dolled me up in one of her skin tight black
dresses, she was two sizes smaller than me. My breasts were spilling out. “I
look like a whore,” I told her as I fixed my hair. It was a ginger red and
recently layered. I curled it under but one strand kept poking
“That's the point, everyone at Dante's looks
the part,” she giggled.
knew and I hated it, the vampires loved a theme. I applied my makeup one shade
darker so I wouldn't be turned away. You couldn't go from place to place at
night in this town in the same outfit. Dante's, of course, was Hell and I had
never been. My mama told me about Hell and the thought of going there to party
was not something I fancied. Plus, there was a strict dress code. I hated
dressing up unless it was my idea.
“The heels!” Clair reminded me and I stepped
in. Clair was bubbly and happy all the time. It gave me a head
“Off to high class Hell,” I said under my
breath as I grabbed the small clutch Clair lent
“You have to go, Noir, a professor asked you
and you said yes. If you didn't want to, you should have said no and switched
your schedule,” Clair beamed with the ability to say anything
took a deep breath, “Of course I am going,” I gave Clair my best effort and
was January and cold, I pulled my black trench coat around me tight as I made my
way down the street. The bus had taken forever, it was Friday and this part of
downtown was packed. I was late. It was Vampire rush hour, or happy hour by the
number of bars. Industrial music thumped as I showed the bouncer my hand. I
watched it glow as he waved his scanner over it. He was a vampire, probably an
ex wrestler because all the Accidents, people turned by the cure, stayed as thin
and frail as they were on their death beds, forever. “Take it off, sweetheart,”
he demanded and I slipped my coat off and twirled.
Dante's was dark, darker than normal which meant it was a Vampire favorite. My
eyes would adjust a little but I almost walked right by him. I shook from a
shiver, I wondered what he was doing to me. What was his special vampire trait?
We all had something that made us unique but an Authentic like Aubrey would have
a power ten times better than mine. I filed away the fact that, as much as I
tried, I couldn't get any straight answers about the Real Vampires.
stood as I took my seat. He was dressed in a straight cut leather jacket over
more black. I looked around at the crowd and was thankful he wasn't wearing
spikes and chains. “Noir, is it?” He asked in my ear before I sat opposite of
him at a small bistro table. This bar didn't serve food of any kind, even if it
was advertised as a take-out place. The flame in the oil candle in the middle of
our table danced and illuminated him in a spooky way. Aubrey lit a cigarette.
Yes, vampires could smoke, drink and do drugs, even if those things didn't
affect them like it affected us.
smiled without showing my fangs, because showing fangs would be a sure sign I
wanted more. Then I spoke loud enough to hear myself over the music, “Yeah,
unofficially Lilanoir Rue,” I put out my hand and brought it back. “I know,
people don't do that anymore. Germs.”
“And what does a Vampire have to fear from,
Germs?” Aubrey shouted back.
“I know, right?” I said casually before I
smiled briefly then his face returned to politely
“Yes, it is Noir,” I finally gave in.
“Aubrey,” he said reaching for my hand and I
gave him an awkward finger shake. It was customary to tell a vampire your name,
your official name before starting any private conversation. Weird, but I should
have been used to it by now. It essentially meant we were speaking as equals,
unlike our words in class. He scooted his seat close to mine. “So Noir, what
brought you to Sanguis City?”
could finally hear him, I didn't have to shout. Maybe that's why he closed the
gap? I tried to act natural when his arm went around my back. I expected this
was going to be the normal interrogation all the teachers put me through until
his thumb brushed my bare shoulder. Something in me shifted and I found myself
even more attracted to him. “You first,” I said full of confidence, I could play
the game. If I was to give into him and answer, without anything first, I would
be treated just like Jef treated poor Savy. A vampire only treated you as well
as you demanded.
face had the character I associated with an old Vampire but he didn't look a day
over twenty-five. You would never know he was undead, nothing stood out. Pale
but no more than your average white man. Imperfect white teeth, no fangs like
mine. His would only come out when he needed them too. Neither long, nor short
for a guy, his dark hair covered his eyes for a moment when he moved. Aubrey
hesitated and drew his eyebrows together, his blue eyes studied me. They were
beautiful but wouldn't break me. I didn't waver but waited. He leaned back in
his chair and gestured, a waitress appeared. She was a Bleeder dressed as a
devil, complete with horns and a tail. “What do you drink?” Aubrey asked me
while returning her smile.
“Mascato, please,” I told the barmaid, not
him, thinking that wine was a good choice.
“Morgan, on the rocks,” Aubrey told her and
suddenly I was craving Rum. “New York isn't what it used to be.”
“Oh,” he had answered my question. “I
heard... Zombies.” The elixir that turned humans into Vampires had once sold to
the highest bidder until the Authentic Vampires put a stop to it. Now people
were producing copy cat drugs trying to become
laughed, “They're not zombies, there is no such thing. These things are way too
fast.” I almost choked, I had heard that line before. He laughed again. “Unless
you count that drug,” I nodded and laughed a little too, I knew all about that.
I shook my head trying to forget.
told me that New York has taken the longest to fall and will eventually be built
back up like Sanguis City. In the three years I have been here, I learned that
the New Vampires had taken over the world. But what else do you expect when the
wealthiest, most powerful people could buy immortality, strength, lethality? The
Authentic Vampires had opened up Pandora's box giving human scientists a
supposedly dormant virus to save them. The vampires had no idea that it was
their vampire DNA that humans were really after.
brunette in red leather strutted back over to sit down our drinks on napkins.
Aubrey pressed real money into her bosom. I didn't know anyone still used cash,
but he had just come from outside the city. Aubrey immediately held his drink to
his nose and sniffed. “Ah, this is why I am here, you can't get a good drink
anywhere but here anymore.” He held it up swirling the
“We didn't have much to drink on the
reservation, only what we could grow, herbal tea and honey, milk,” I
“Real milk, that's something you just can't
get anymore.” Aubrey finished his drink as I started sipping my wine. “But what
about you, the world is falling apart and you leave one of the most heavily
armed, healthiest, purest places?” He shook his head.
“Where else could I have gone,” I pointed at
my fangs. “They didn't want me anymore.” I looked away toward the crowd
“So you never met a vampire until when, when
did you leave?” Aubrey rested his chin on his fist truly
“When I was Eighteen.” Leaving out the part
about Jack, of course and Sander, I had too many secrets. “My mother said it was
where I should go. The city the vampires built,” I lied while imagining my
mother saying it.
“And your father, did he approve of sending
you to the the City of Blood?”
“Dead,” I answered simply. I had no feelings
about it one way or the other, he had died from the plague before I was born,
like a lot of people.
“And you never saw a vampire until you got
here? Amazing.”
let him answer his own question, then added, “If you don't count the movies. But
I have had fangs all my life, it is not like I didn't know Vampires existed.” I
lit one of his cigarettes, if you can't beat them and all. Yes, Sanguis City was
just like an old movie to me.
“So, you didn't grow up in the dark? It's
dark upstate now, real dire conditions.”
looked around at the neon illuminating the bar at the edges. “No, I am lucky, we
had electricity for a few hours every night. Off the grid, of course,” I said a
little too proud. My mother had only been invited to the town, pregnant and
widowed because she was an Engineer. Then it hit me, a feeling of guilt. Charmed
by a handsome man stroking my back, I wasn't being careful. Telling vampires
about the reserve was something I did willingly all the time but never the
specifics. Life at the reservation was all about survival. We were walled off
from the world, by actual wall or by mountain. 56,000 acres of the Qualla
Boundary was protected by armed guards, tanks, helicopters, you name it! Even
after what happened, I was not about to betray them by giving out too much
he could ask me another question, I smiled at him showing my fangs. That usually
shut Vampires up. Besides I felt comfortable, he was laughing, no one seemed to
laugh anymore. No man I had gone out with had ever put his arm around me, like
they were just happy to be with me. Aubrey's eyes shifted from my fangs to my
cleavage and back to my eyes. He motioned for more drinks and his hand went
lower down my back. I arched my back a smidgen in response to his cool touch. I
placed my hand on his leg in response and he moved into to me, lightly kissing
my lips. It was instant, I wanted him. The moment he locked eyes with me in
class, I imagined him kissing me. His cool lips gave way for his forceful tongue
to explore my mouth and I melted into his hold. The hand that had been stroking
my back moved up to steady my head as he assaulted my mouth. And my hands ran up
under his jacket. I could feel his firm body under his cotton tee. Aubrey's
other hand went to my hair and placed it behind my ear, his finger ran down my
neck and down the curve of my bosom. I literally fought for air, he didn't need
to breath but he pulled back. His fangs were out and he looked at my neck
“Not here,” I responded in a whisper. I had
never done it in public before, let someone bite me. Yes, Dante's did take out,
meaning Aubrey could drink from me at the table. My legs were trembling as he
pulled me to stand. He grabbed my coat and purse and quickly but carefully
maneuvered us through the crowd.
cold air hit me and brought me back to reality. Boy, was I easy. I was hot and
bothered and he could just be wanting some lunch. “Wait, where are we going?” I
stopped just outside the club.
hand was on my elbow. “You said you wanted, privacy.” He motioned toward the
street, a black car.
one drove anymore, only the very well off, or very powerful. No one had access
to the gasoline and the solar powered things that passed for cars in this town
were rarer than diamonds. We were lucky we had the bus. “You drive?” I asked
still astonished.
“How do you think I got here from New York?”
He answered as he put me inside. He shut the door to go to the other side. I was
suddenly nervous, all the men I had dated had lived at the dorms, except Jack.
Here I was getting in a car with my Professor going somewhere so he could bite
me, and that was just the beginning of it.
got in the car and reached around me to buckle my seat belt. I grabbed the belt
from him and clicked it. “I've been in a car before,” I
“Yeah, I can even drive stick,” I said
seductively, knowing he would get the reference and appreciate the innuendo.
laughed and I burst out laughing as well. Not one Bleeder would have laughed at
that. He grabbed my knee with his hand, “You are rare, Noir, a breath of fresh
drove further into the city, to the parking garage of a tall tower. Aubrey took
my hand and led me to the elevator. “I just moved in,” he said simply as he
threw off his jacket onto the couch and I didn't have time to look around before
he kissed me again, backing me into his bedroom. My hands found his shoulders
and I realized that Aubrey wasn't Jack, a spoiled horny teenager. He wasn't all
the others I had dated either, the Bleeders and New Vampires at my dorm. Aubrey
was old, ancient for all knew. This was a man, my stomach started to flip.
nerves, he could hear it in my heartbeat, he pulled back and whispered, “You
have done this before?”
I looked around briefly, the walls were
bright white and all the furniture silvers and blues.“Can't
you tell?” I said coyly, using humor to calm myself as usual. I sat on the bed
and slipped off my horrible heels. My feet felt the ice cold floor of stainless
steel. I knew he couldn't tell if I was a virgin but I had asked a few vampires
in the beginning to their amusement.
slipped off his shoes as well. “No, I can tell a lot about you but not that, not
this far away at least,” he came closer and knelt in front of me. “How rude of
me, would you like something to drink, a tour perhaps?”
shook my head to answer and to clear all my lingering fears. Aubrey was my
Professor, that didn't matter, Clair had told me. His hands ran up my crossed
legs to my waist. I touched his face and felt strange. This was getting too
intimate, not a casual romp in the hay, at all. Aubrey inhaled, “No, you aren't
a virgin, a vampire can dream though.”
started kissing my bare legs, there was a lot of them sticking out of this
dress. I automatically started petting his hair. His hands inched up my dress
and moved my legs open. I was no longer nervous but totally in the moment. I was
being worshiped as he kissed higher and higher up my thighs. Suddenly he laid me
back, looming over me. I felt his hand enter my panties, his fingers softly
exploring my smooth skin. They removed all our hair except for on our head at
the hospital every week when we went through decontamination. Aubrey looked down
at me incredibly hungry as he slid off my small black thong. His head dipped
between my legs and his tongue flicked my sweet spot. I convulsed then tried to
relax as he licked me back and forth. I felt little stings as he nicked my skin
here and there, tasting my blood as well. I couldn't help but make noises of
appreciation, he was very talented. I suppose at one time he would have to be
discrete about drinking blood.
looked almost wild when he leaned over me again, face and fangs glistening. I
pushed him over and rolled on top. I sat on top of his very hard lap and wiggled
as he caught my hips. He was fully dressed so I started pulling his shirt over
his head. He was hard and tone but not bulky. Hairless he wasn't, like my
boyfriends that worked at the hospital. Aubrey had enough contrasting hair to
develop a five o' clock shadow if he could still grow a beard. A thick ugly scar
ran down his middle beside the delicious happy trail into his jeans. I touched
the bumpy scar wondering how he got it, then felt the hair so he wouldn't think
I noticed. I was slipping my fingertips along the waist of his jeans when he
pulled me down on top of him for another kiss. As our tongues danced his hands
fumbled with the zipper down the back of my dress and then my strapless bra. He
pulled my chest closer to his mouth as he pushed me harder down on his trapped
erection. His fangs scraped against my nipple before he pulled me back into a
rolled on top of me. My head spun, my chest fluttered, I ached for him. I had
never felt this way about any man, human, Bleeder or Vampire, before. Well,
maybe one but I quickly banned him from my mind. Aubrey continued licking my
breasts, taking his time. He was taking his time. There had been no penetration
yet and it was the best sex I had in a long time.
started to panic, recalling that all my previous relationships had gone down
hill based on the fact we didn't know each other before we had sex. I had
promised myself I wouldn't let my passion get the better of me again. To be told
by a man that seduces you that your relationship is failing because it is all
based on sex is the biggest slap in the face. Especially, when you know that the
real problem was that they the man got what they wanted too easy. I looked down
at Aubrey's beautiful hair and wrapped my legs around him as he was pressing
hard against me. His hand made its way to my wet center and he slipped a finger
inside as he breathed on my neck. I had an idea. “Aubrey, bite me now,” I moaned
as I moved on his hand. He struck and it hurt, it was a powerful bite unlike the
sips I had endured during sex before. Aubrey pressed harder with his hand and
began causing me immense pleasure rubbing all the right places as he continued
to suck. I stretched my arms out to find his stiff length to stroke. I fumbled
with his belt and my fingers wrapped around him pulling and sliding as he drew
more blood than I thought I could give. His talented hand was enough to push me
to the edge and my body quivered as I a climaxed. Just as suddenly, he jerked,
convulsing above me.
collapsed beside me and pulled me to rest my head under his neck. He kissed my
forehead, “Ah, that was brilliant.”
I was still panting and still hurting from the bite. I would heal, quicker than
a human anyway but there would definitely be a mark to cover up tomorrow.
“Aubrey,” I breathed, then catching my mistake, I opened and shut my mouth. I
had almost asked him if he marked me, but I wasn't suppose to know about such
things. Instead, I rested my hand on his chest where his heart should have beat
but didn't. I would ask Tombs to check for me. “Yes, I enjoyed it too,” I
finally said.
“All that and I still have my pants on,” he
joked. “They know how to raise Bleeders on that reservation of
“Bleeders, huh, there was only me,” I said
suddenly very sleepy.
“Are you saying you were the only Bleeder
there out of 14,000 people?” He sounded oddly
I barely registered his question, I was half asleep.
After a moment of processing and suppressing feelings, I formulated a response.
“Yes, the only stinking one, I don't know why they didn't just
drown me like a kitten.” I was on the verge of passing out but knew all too well
they had tried. “The damn bastards drown kittens all the time.” I wondered what
Aubrey would ask me next, I was about to ask him how he knew how many people
lived there. But I couldn't, I had fallen
Well I don't know about you, but I can't wait for more!!!
I will be sure to let you know when this book is available!!!
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