13 May 2014

Break For Me by Shiloh Walker

Jensen Bell had twelve happy years before her her mother disappeared and her whole world went to pieces. Since then, she's become a cop—one who takes great pride in her work, and in helping keep others safe. The saving grace in her own life has been Dean West, the only man who can make her burn with desire and help her through her burdens. But when a shocking discovery turns her life upside-down, even being wrapped in Dean’s arms might not be enough to keep her out of harm's way...

Ms. Walker does an impressive job of delivering a story worthy of a full-length novel in a novella format – making the reader want more without making them feel cheated. I have not read the previous book in this series and I did not once feel lost. The author presents the pertinent information in such a way that I knew exactly what is going on and I was drawn into the story immediately.

I loved Jensen’s take-charge, no-nonsense attitude. Further, I liked how Dean explains that she needs to be that way as a minority (female) on the force – and that he finds her attitude to be a turn-on was just icing on the cake. As for Dean, he’s down-right yummy. He’s not the in-your-face alpha I enjoy, but make no mistake, he is a MAN. And when Jensen finally stops fighting what she wants, it makes for some steamy sex scenes. 

Now without spoiling the book, when the blurb says there’s a shocking discovery that turns her life upside down … well that should be up for understatement of the year. The author might pull her punches in the blurb, but she does not in the book and it makes for an awesome read. I will be stalking Burn for Me (the previous novella) on Amazon so I can grab it on sale because I’m cheap that way and I am so excited that I already have Long for Me. Ms. Walker had made it on my watch list of authors to read and I cannot wait to check out the rest of this series. 
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H6EFBUC/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00H6EFBUC&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/break-for-me-shiloh-walker/1117650795?ean=9781250032652&itm=1&usri=shiloh+walker     http://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html?sortBy=recentlyAdded&searchBy=author&qString=Shiloh+Walker


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