22 June 2014

Claimed by Evangeline Anderson

Olivia Waterhouse has just graduated from nursing school and has her whole life ahead of her—until she gets drafted. Problem is, she isn’t being forced into the Army, she’s been chosen as a Kindred bride.

The Kindred are huge alien warriors—a race of genetic traders whose population is ninety-five percent male. After saving Earth from the threat of invasion they demand a reward—the right to find brides among the population. The chances of being chosen are about the same as those of winning the lottery—guess it’s just Liv’s lucky day.

Baird is a Beast Kindred who recently escaped imprisonment and torture at the hands of the malevolent Scourge. Through the torment and pain only one thing kept him sane—the thought of finding and claiming his bride—Olivia. His need to possess her is a burning intensity that threatens to consume them both.

Angry at having her future and her family taken away from her, Liv vows to fight back the only way she can—by resisting. She has one month on the Kindred Mothership with Baird—their claiming period. If she can keep from having bonding sex with him during that time, she can go home and get on with her life on Earth.

But Baird isn’t going to make it easy for her. Every week he is allowed to touch Liv more and more intimately and according to the contract she signed, she has to let him. She’s determined to resist him but his touch sets her on fire. And just as she thinks she knows what she wants, a twist of fate and an attack by the faceless Scourge AllFather changes everything…

I’m starting to re-think my belief that I don’t enjoy sci-fi type books because after reading this one, I couldn’t put the series down! I read the first 4 books in the series within a span of 3 days because this book made such an impact on me that I couldn’t get enough of them!
I really enjoyed how Ms. Anderson not only created a story that drew me in, a whole new world and life forms, but she also ended up creating 4 completely different worlds and species of people. She also created strong women, women who weren’t going to stand to be pushed over, but they also push back when they need to. I do believe that is one thing that did completely attract met o this series was how strong-willed Liv was during the course of the story. Liv didn’t want to be put in the situation that she was, but she was still able to make the most of it in the long run.  I did like how she also knew when to give in to Baird, and how she was still able to put his emotions ahead of her own.
Baird’s character was one that I fell completely in love with. I enjoyed how even though he was a strong-willed man, he still put Liv’s feelings ahead of his own. Even though all he wanted was to hold Liv, he put that aside until she was comfortable enough around him.
Don’t get me wrong, it did start to bug me after a bit that Liv was so horrible to Baird, but it didn’t detract from the story for me. I was still drawn into it and I just couldn’t wait to find out if Liv finally gave into Baird’s mate claim.
Even if you don’t normally like sci-fi books, I would still recommend this book because it was that great of a story.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004N62M26/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B004N62M26&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20&linkId=ZUC3PJZE5BJJBKD7   http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/claimed-evangeline-anderson/1113184941?ean=2940011189258&itm=1&usri=evangeline+anderson   https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-claimed-575263-340.html?referrer=52378e08e5757


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