10 March 2015

Took My Breath Away by Thianna D

Sometimes taking control is what you need to do and sometimes the best thing you can do is give that control up.
In the summer between Logan's junior and senior years of college, these two will find out more about each other and themselves than they imagined.
While unhappy to be missing four weeks of Christian's company, Logan is thrilled to spend a month with his father's relatives in New York. A naturally gregarious individual, he is used to winning people over and getting things right. Unfortunately, the Mannettes are not what he expects and for the first time in his life, he finds himself seriously doubting who he is.
Christian has regained some of his old self-esteem and is taking on new challenges. Besides growing in the relationship he has with Logan, he takes the time his boyfriend is away to learn more about domestic discipline. He learns a little online but it is actually Gregory, Logan's father, where he gains most of his information. Including the fact that his natural strength puts him in a leadership position he isn't expecting.
When Logan returns to a strong, self-assured Christian, it is with complete relief. As discussions turn to domestic discipline and they realize their true roles within their current and future relationship, both of them are able to let their inhibitions go and together their connection grows surprising Logan to an epiphany.
*Warning: Contains BDSM elements with M/M spanking scenes.*
We are back with Logan and Christian. This one starts with Logan coming home from school and to his boyfriend of six months. This is the summer break he will meet his father side of the family for the first time, excited and nervous he heads to New York City. Only to find that they are not what he expected and he’s not sure he can live up to their exceptions and not sure he wants to. With the grueling schedule that he is being put through to make him a better man, he has stopped calling Christian, this worries him. So he and Gregory head to The City and recue Logan. But is it too late?

This is another well written story of young love and two men trying to make a relationship work, over long distance, family drama and personal demons. But once again spanking and a DD relationships is a major focus of this book, and one quote that really didn’t sit well with me, basically I interpreted it say if a couple wasn’t in a DD relationship, than that couple couldn’t be on the same emotional level. It’s the DD that gives you the connection…. Really….
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HE1MFFQ/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00HE1MFFQ&linkCode=as2&tag=crysmanrev-20    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/took-my-breath-away-thianna-d/1117737381?ean=2940149007554&itm=1&usri=took+my+breath+away


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